I love Halloween and I love celebrating it family style! My favorite books to read out loud are fun, colorful Halloween books! We've been working on building our book collection and many of these are on our shelf and the rest are on our want list! I'd thought I'd share with you our 25 Must-Have Halloween Children's Books! Halloween Hustle Hardcover In the dark, a funky beat. Something white … [Read more...]
25 Must-Have Halloween Children’s Books
Halloween Spider Popsicle Stick Craft for Kids {Fun Crafts with Mom}

I can't believe Halloween is less than a week away now! Over the weekend we did a lot of sight-seeing in our area as New England is having one of the prettiest autumn's I can remember. A the end of it all we came home and carved pumpkins and made this Halloween Spider Popsicle Stick Craft for Kids. SUPPLIES NEEDED: Black Tempera Paint School Glue Thin Wooden Craft Sticks (20 … [Read more...]
15 Great Halloween Board Books

The first thing that comes out each holiday is our stash of movies and books. They are always packed right on top and the kids enjoy seeing their favorite characters celebrating just like they are. Sawyer's still enjoying all his Halloween Board Books that we've accumulated over the last few years and we wanted to share with you some of our favorites. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey's Halloween … [Read more...]
Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Paper Plate Pumpkins {Fun Crafts with Mom}

I'm so excited it's officially October! It means I can finally pull out all the Halloween decorations and start to get festive for the string of upcoming holidays! I thought I'd have the boys make these Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Paper Plate Pumpkins to get them excited too! Making these are pretty simple and don't many supplies. You probably have most of them on hand already. SUPPLIES … [Read more...]
Paper Plate Spiders {Fun Crafts with Mom}

It's almost Halloween and I can't wait! It's such a fun time of year for me and the kids and I make sure to enjoy all of October to celebrate! The boys and I made these cute Paper Plate Spiders to get them in the Halloween spirit! SUPPLIES NEEDED: Black paper plates (I used large and small plates) Black chenille stems Scissors or wire cutters Hole punch Glue stick Wiggly eyes … [Read more...]
15 Pumpkin Children’s Books

Tomorrow I'm heading to our first pumpkin patch of the year and I'm so excited! My favorite photos of the boys every year come from the pumpkin fields so to get Sawyer ready we've been reading lots of Pumpkin Children's Books! He doesn't really remember prior years so the books have been pretty helpful! Some of the older books have been great for Gavin to read to him and tell him his past memories … [Read more...]
How We Celebrated Halloween 2014 #WW

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! I can't believe another Halloween has passed! We had a whole week of holiday fun! First we had the challenge of getting Sawyer to put on his Halloween costume. Of course with his deep love of Mickey we only thought it would be fitting that he get a Mickey costume. We found this awesome one at Babies R Us! How cute is he once he was convinced putting it … [Read more...]
Halloween Book Round Up!

I can't believe it is Halloween in a few days! Hayden has been talking about it for weeks, and I have been planning our costumes for a long time now. There are a few things I have to finish, but it should be pretty fun! I am excited to see how it all turns out. I like to cycle out books for my kids and read ones that go with the current season or holiday. Halloween probably has some of my … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Halloween Costume {DIY Frozen Pond Halloween Costume} #FunCraftsWithMom

Sometimes the best costumes aren't the ones you buy in a store but the ones you make at home. I still remember when my mom decided to make my Halloween costume in 5th grade. It was a mummy costume and she shredded sheets and I put on white sweats and she sewed the strips to my sweats. It was a fun low-cost costume but it took forever. I remember being so sick of standing there while she was so … [Read more...]