I can't believe Halloween is less than a week away now! Over the weekend we did a lot of sight-seeing in our area as New England is having one of the prettiest autumn's I can remember. A the end of it all we came home and carved pumpkins and made this Halloween Spider Popsicle Stick Craft for Kids. SUPPLIES NEEDED: Black Tempera Paint School Glue Thin Wooden Craft Sticks (20 … [Read more...]
Halloween Spider Popsicle Stick Craft for Kids {Fun Crafts with Mom}
Filed Under: Craft Project, Fun Crafts With Mom, Halloween, Halloween, Holiday, Holiday, Kids, Kids, Popsicle Stick Craft, Preschool, Slider, Step by Step Tutorial Tagged With: halloween, Paint, Popsicle Sticks, Spider
Paper Plate Spiders {Fun Crafts with Mom}

It's almost Halloween and I can't wait! It's such a fun time of year for me and the kids and I make sure to enjoy all of October to celebrate! The boys and I made these cute Paper Plate Spiders to get them in the Halloween spirit! SUPPLIES NEEDED: Black paper plates (I used large and small plates) Black chenille stems Scissors or wire cutters Hole punch Glue stick Wiggly eyes … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Craft Project, Fun Crafts With Mom, Halloween, Halloween, Holiday, Holiday, Kids, Kids, Paper Plate, Preschool, Slider Tagged With: halloween, Oriental Trading, Paper Plate Craft, Pipe Cleaners, Spider, Wiggle Eyes