I love making gifts for people, especially if it means being able to use some of the many photos I take throughout the year. A fun, simple craft that you (or your kids!) can make are these DIY Photo Tile Coasters. You can make a set for under $5, and they look great forever. Supplies needed for DIY Photo Tile Coasters: Printed Photos Mod Podge (I used glossy here) Foam Brush … [Read more...]
Make Your Own DIY Photo Tile Coasters
End Table DIY Remodel with Amy Howard At Home

This post is sponsored by Ace Hardware. All thoughts and opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Ace Hardware. Transforming my home this year has been so much fun. When we moved in almost 10 years ago, we were moving back in after rebuilding from a fire. We had been displaced for a year and when we saw a chance to move in we jumped at it- before painting. Needless to say, … [Read more...]
DIY Spray Painting Metal Folding Chairs

Summer is upon us, and we've gone from spending all our time inside, purging items and organizing and remodeling our spaces, to entertaining all our friends and family outdoors. Often, we run out of seating, so I went out to check the cost of some metal folding chairs. After doing a little browsing, there was just no way I was spending all that money on new ones. I had some old, rusty ones in my … [Read more...]
Spring Bookshelf DIY Home Decor Project with Ace Hardware #31DaysOfColor

As you know I've been doing a lot of home improvement projects around here. I've been having a lot of fun decorating each room and finding a good purpose for everything. When I stumbled upon an old bookshelf I knew it would make a great bookshelf DIY home decor project for the Ace Hardware campaign I was invited to participate in. While I did receive compensation I did all the hard work myself … [Read more...]
Handprint Garden Stepping Stones You Can Make Yourself {Fun Crafts With Mom}

If you follow my social sites like Instagram or Facebook (which I hope you do!) you'll know I'm really big about my gardens. Next year we're doing a big overhaul and they will be 6x the size it is now. I've been having the kids make Handprint Garden Stepping Stones to place along the walk ways of all the raised beds. There are several ways to make these and we've been making all different … [Read more...]
DIY Painted Mason Jar Flower Vases {Fun Crafts with Mom}

I am head over heels for the whole Mason Jar trend. I love using them for anything and everything but my new favorite are these DIY Painted Mason Jar Flower Vases I made! I found them on the Oriental Trading site and loved them immediately! Making them are super easy and the supplies are minimal. Supplies Needed: Pint Mason Jars Martha Stewart Craft Paints Satin Ribbon Paper … [Read more...]
Custom Wall Shelf {Tutorial} with Ace Hardware Paint #FindYourColor

"$.99 paint pint offer valid on Valspar and Clark+Kensington. At participating stores 8/1-8/31. Prices may vary. Limit 4. Color samples must be tinted in unique colors. I was compensated for my time and this blog post. All opinions and positions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Ace Hardware Paint.” I'm finally starting to attack that dreaded summer to-do list. … [Read more...]
Easy Three Minute Wreath {Fun Crafts With Mom}

I don't really have any 4th of July decor and wanted to throw something together and this Three Minute Wreath is the perfect craft to change that fast! Not only does it take only three minutes but you only need three things to make it too! It's SO easy!! I had grabbed the garland on clearance a few days ago at AC Moore for less than $3. I wanted to do something festive with it. Johnny had a … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Gold Glittery Christmas Letter Decorations

Overall, I love the look of silver and brushed nickel but when it comes to Christmas I am all gold. I love the way gold looks with all the glitter and lights and this time of year I want my whole house to sparkle. Recently I was walking through the stores looking at all the holiday decor and I kept stumbling upon all these pretty glittery words but they were so expensive. I knew I could make them … [Read more...]