I love making holiday crafts with my kids. This Valentine's Day we have been remaking all the old crafts my other boys made when they were younger. We made a bunch of heart-shaped flower Valentine's for Sawyer's classroom and for his teacher we made them all animals made from all hearts like this cute Penguin Valentine. To me, this sweet penguin always looked like it was giving a hug! You … [Read more...]
Penguin Valentine Hug Heart-Shaped Craft
Travel Essentials When Traveling with Babies & Toddlers

One thing I've learned about having kids is that leaving the house can be a nightmare when you've left unprepared without the proper travel essentials. Here are my top 14 items that I've found to be most useful! How many times have you gone to leave the house and instead the usual walk over and put your shoes and coat on it is now a 20-minute fiasco. It starts with the five-minute hunt for … [Read more...]
Sensory Slime for Valentine’s Day {Fun Crafts with Mom}

Valentine's Day Sensory Slime is the perfect afternoon craft for little hands. Kids love digging in and trying to find the hidden gems! We *finally* got snow here in Western Massachusetts. I say finally because until last week my grass was still green. That's not that common around here as the past few years have brought on some huge storms. The kids were looking for something fun to do so … [Read more...]
Reindeer Handprint Ornaments {Fun Crafts with Mom}

It's Christmastime! Have you decorated? I'm all over it here! We were at the tree farm cutting down our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. I wanted to capture his little hand and thought these Reindeer Handprint Ornaments were a great way! I love this time of year and love having our home decorated with little crafts my children have made over the years. SUPPLIES NEEDED: Brown … [Read more...]
25 Days of Christmas Books for Kids {Countdown Christmas Advent}

This year we started a new tradition! We are celebrating Christmas with all our favorite holiday books! We've taken 25 Christmas Books for Kids to read throughout the month to celebrate! It's a great opportunity to bring the family together and share the company of a good book. In the past years I've seen some parents talking about how they wrap books and every night they unwrap one and … [Read more...]
Turkey Handprint Thanksgiving Craft Card {Fun Crafts with Mom}

Somehow I realize I've never done a since craft for Thanksgiving. My kids always seem to do a lot of crafts at school around the holiday so I've always skipped them. One I've always wanted to try is this turkey handprint. I've seen it around socially and always thought it was super cute! Check out how to make our fun Turkey Handprint Thanksgiving Craft Card! SUPPLIES NEEDED: tempera … [Read more...]
Kids Have Healthy Smiles With Orajel™ Kids {PLUS 5 Toddler Teeth Brushing Tips & Orajel™ Smilestones Photo Sweepstakes}

It is no secret that I love taking pictures of my kiddos. I really want to remember their sweet smiles and faces at every age. I love capturing all the fun holiday moments, candid moments, and day-to-day life. They are already growing up so fast and I don't want to every forget what they were like as babies, toddlers, and school aged kids. I will probably be that mom that takes a million pictures … [Read more...]
15 Great Halloween Board Books

The first thing that comes out each holiday is our stash of movies and books. They are always packed right on top and the kids enjoy seeing their favorite characters celebrating just like they are. Sawyer's still enjoying all his Halloween Board Books that we've accumulated over the last few years and we wanted to share with you some of our favorites. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey's Halloween … [Read more...]
Homemade St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Gold Play Dough {Fun Crafts with Mom}

We have been loving making play dough around here. We love how long it lasts when we make it and the boys have really had such a fun time playing with it. We've been wanting to see all the different kinds of ways we can make playdough. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day around the corner I thought I'd we'd make a fun Leprechaun Gold Play Dough. Making play dough is super simple. Way easier … [Read more...]