Have you ever celebrated the Chinese New Year? Last week when the kids had a half day at school we went to have lunch at our favorite local Chinese restaurant and were sad to see a sign on their door stating they'd be closed for the next two weeks. I don't think our little local place ever closes so we were happy to see that they were off enjoying time with family but didn't know what to do … [Read more...]
Celebrate The Chinese New Year with This Fun Pig Paper Plate Craft & Ling Ling
Rainbow Sun Clouds Paper Plate Craft – Fun Crafts with Mom

My kids had so much fun making these Rainbow Sun Clouds Paper Plate Craft. Any craft with paper plates rate pretty high on their list but this one seemed to include all their favorite craft products like cotton balls and glitter all wrapped up in one. For supplies you're going to need: paper plate school glue yellow tissue paper squares sponge brushes scissors cotton … [Read more...]
Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Paper Plate Pumpkins {Fun Crafts with Mom}

I'm so excited it's officially October! It means I can finally pull out all the Halloween decorations and start to get festive for the string of upcoming holidays! I thought I'd have the boys make these Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Paper Plate Pumpkins to get them excited too! Making these are pretty simple and don't many supplies. You probably have most of them on hand already. SUPPLIES … [Read more...]
Paper Plate Spiders {Fun Crafts with Mom}

It's almost Halloween and I can't wait! It's such a fun time of year for me and the kids and I make sure to enjoy all of October to celebrate! The boys and I made these cute Paper Plate Spiders to get them in the Halloween spirit! SUPPLIES NEEDED: Black paper plates (I used large and small plates) Black chenille stems Scissors or wire cutters Hole punch Glue stick Wiggly eyes … [Read more...]
A is for Apple! An Apple Paper Plate Preschool Craft! | Fun Crafts with Mom

It's fall! I can't believe how fast time is flying! The apples on the trees are getting big and are ready for picking! Sawyer is so excited about going apple picking since they talked about it in his new preschool class! To celebrate I thought we'd make this fun Apple Paper Plate Preschool Craft! Supplies Needed: Red Construction Paper Green Construction Paper Scissors Paper … [Read more...]
Baby Chicks Paper Plate Craft {Fun Crafts With Mom}

This fun paper plate craft is super easy for any age level. My oldest was telling me about the baby chicks that the school hatch every year and I thought we could do a fun craft to celebrate them. My boys had a lot of fun making theirs! Supplies Needed: Yellow Paper Plates Yellow Feathers Orange Pipe Cleaners Wiggle Eyes Glue Dots Glue Stick Scissors Orange Cardstock For our … [Read more...]
Paper Plate Christmas Trees {Kid Friendly Holiday Craft}

My boys are all excited about the holidays and being just 10 days out I'm looking for lots of fun, easy things to do with them to keep them from being bored but still in the spirit. This fun holiday craft makes Paper Plate Christmas Trees that are great for all age groups from toddlers, preschool, and even older kids! Supplies are minimal and if you craft often probably already have on … [Read more...]
Paper Plate Apple Trees {Toddler Friendly Craft}

We're about to go apple picking soon and I thought a fun way to get Sawyer excited about it would be to make a fun craft! This craft is a bit on the time-consuming side but only because you have to wait for things to dry. Other than that it's pretty easy and fun for everyone at any skill level. To get started you'll need a few things. White Plate Cardboard Strip Green Paint Brown … [Read more...]