I love making gifts for people, especially if it means being able to use some of the many photos I take throughout the year. A fun, simple craft that you (or your kids!) can make are these DIY Photo Tile Coasters. You can make a set for under $5, and they look great forever. Supplies needed for DIY Photo Tile Coasters: Printed Photos Mod Podge (I used glossy here) Foam Brush … [Read more...]
Make Your Own DIY Photo Tile Coasters
Halloween Spider Popsicle Stick Craft for Kids {Fun Crafts with Mom}

I can't believe Halloween is less than a week away now! Over the weekend we did a lot of sight-seeing in our area as New England is having one of the prettiest autumn's I can remember. A the end of it all we came home and carved pumpkins and made this Halloween Spider Popsicle Stick Craft for Kids. SUPPLIES NEEDED: Black Tempera Paint School Glue Thin Wooden Craft Sticks (20 … [Read more...]
Handprint Garden Stepping Stones You Can Make Yourself {Fun Crafts With Mom}

If you follow my social sites like Instagram or Facebook (which I hope you do!) you'll know I'm really big about my gardens. Next year we're doing a big overhaul and they will be 6x the size it is now. I've been having the kids make Handprint Garden Stepping Stones to place along the walk ways of all the raised beds. There are several ways to make these and we've been making all different … [Read more...]
Custom Wall Shelf {Tutorial} with Ace Hardware Paint #FindYourColor

"$.99 paint pint offer valid on Valspar and Clark+Kensington. At participating stores 8/1-8/31. Prices may vary. Limit 4. Color samples must be tinted in unique colors. I was compensated for my time and this blog post. All opinions and positions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Ace Hardware Paint.” I'm finally starting to attack that dreaded summer to-do list. … [Read more...]
Make Your Pirate Photo Book Props for your Birthday Party {Fun Crafts with Mom}

In the fall I received a Silhouette Portrait machine and was so excited but it was right as we began the remodeling of my office/craft room and the box got put into storage. Then when it came to planning out Sawyer's Pirate Themed Birthday Party I knew my Silhouette would be a big help and went searching for it. I have a Prepaid Subscription to the Design Store which I love because whenever … [Read more...]
The BEST Easy No Cook Play Dough! {Fun Crafts with Mom}

We are on a playdough kick around here, can you tell? That's because it is SO easy to make. It's a no cook playdough too! I've never really been one to let the kids play with playdough inside, and it's has been more of an outdoor play thing but not anymore. This playdough is so soft and easy to manipulate and takes just minutes to make. It doesn't get easier. I make a bulk batch and then the rest … [Read more...]
Mess Free Finger Painting for Toddlers {Fun Crafts with Mom}

With my big focus on getting away from all the screens in the house I wanted to do something fun that didn't get messy. Thing is when you are working with toddlers messy kinda comes with the territory. As much as we love our sensory bins they do get messy at times. I have seen a few painting ideas on Pinterest and thought I'd give my own version a try. Supplies are super simple and are … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Heart Shaped Crayons Tutorial {Fun Crafts With Mom}

Gavin has been dying to make crayons lately. We usually make Christmas shaped crayons and even though we made loads of crafts this year it just didn't happen. Since their holiday break from school mainly landed after the holiday I thought it would still be a fun thing to do. We could even get ahead of the game and use them with our classroom valentine's by making heart shaped crayons. I went on … [Read more...]
Snowy Sparkle Glitter Slime {Fun Crafts With Mom}

Just like that Christmas is over. The kids just went back to school after having a little over a week off. I wanted to make sure the kids didn't live in front of their screens so we planned lots of fun activities. Since most of the vacation landed after the holiday we wanted to find some fun thing to make that weren't holiday themed. This snow slime was perfect and a huge hit with my boys! Slime … [Read more...]