Now that the days are getting warmer and the sun is out longer we are constantly outside. We love it. We are outside first thing in the morning and we are out there until bedtime. We wanted to make your own bird seed feeders because we love finding fun crafts that can be for the outdoors. I have so many ideas and can't wait to start doing them all! This one is super simple and you probably … [Read more...]
How To Make Your Own Bird Seed Feeders {Fun Crafts with Mom}
The BEST Easy No Cook Play Dough! {Fun Crafts with Mom}

We are on a playdough kick around here, can you tell? That's because it is SO easy to make. It's a no cook playdough too! I've never really been one to let the kids play with playdough inside, and it's has been more of an outdoor play thing but not anymore. This playdough is so soft and easy to manipulate and takes just minutes to make. It doesn't get easier. I make a bulk batch and then the rest … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Gold Treasure Pirate Playdough Recipe {Fun Crafts With Mom}

Anyone else have the winter blues? We're dying here in Massachusetts. It's snowing here pretty much everyday and every storm that comes drops 18 inches at a time. Sawyer is starting to get bored with some toys and I've been looking for ideas to grab his attention, this pirate playdough recipe was it! It's been a long time since I made my own playdough but thought I'd give it a try again but … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Gold Glittery Christmas Letter Decorations

Overall, I love the look of silver and brushed nickel but when it comes to Christmas I am all gold. I love the way gold looks with all the glitter and lights and this time of year I want my whole house to sparkle. Recently I was walking through the stores looking at all the holiday decor and I kept stumbling upon all these pretty glittery words but they were so expensive. I knew I could make them … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Halloween Costume {DIY Frozen Pond Halloween Costume} #FunCraftsWithMom

Sometimes the best costumes aren't the ones you buy in a store but the ones you make at home. I still remember when my mom decided to make my Halloween costume in 5th grade. It was a mummy costume and she shredded sheets and I put on white sweats and she sewed the strips to my sweats. It was a fun low-cost costume but it took forever. I remember being so sick of standing there while she was so … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Oat Biscuits Your Dogs Will Be Begging For!

I wanted to add to my collection of dog biscuits I make for Charlie. If you've never made your own pet food you should really give these Pumpkin Oat Biscuits a try! It's simple and your furbaby will thank you for it. These Pumpkin Oat Biscuits are simple to put together. You'll need: 2 eggs 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 2 Tbsp peanut butter 1/4 cup quick oats 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup … [Read more...]
Is your Toddler/Child afraid of Monsters? Then you need your own customized CurlyQ Cuties Monster!!!
As most of you who read my blog regularly know. My toddler has been having some real issues with "monsters" in the house. If he is watching tv or playing with toys and he suddenly noticed the room close by was dark he would get upset saying monsters were going to get him. This in return resulted in more lights on then we liked. Night time & Nap time weren't much fun either. Even with a night … [Read more...]