Sweet Basil & Oregano Bruschetta Chicken Whole Wheat Pasta Recipe

Lately, Gavin is stuck in this pasta stage where other than tacos it's the only thing he will eat. The husband and I are just so sick of eating box pasta and jarred sauce that I needed to find a new way to mix it up and make it more interesting. So when I saw the recipe for this Sweet Basil & Sweet Basil Bruschetta Chicken Pasta from McCormick I knew I had to give it a try. The … [Read more...]

Pepperoni Biscuit Pizza {Recipe} #hormelfamily

If pizza was it's own food group my husband would be in heaven. I love trying to find new ways to make it and one thing that drove me crazy was the work involved behind it. We love all the different ways to make it but the time involved was a bummer. Recently he got hooked on Pizza Monkey Bread but I was over the prep and messiness of it. I was determined to find something that took only moments … [Read more...]

Garden to Kitchen: Fresh Basil Cubes with Garlic & Oil {Recipe}

I can't believe it's fall. I feel like we should still be putting our gardens into the ground not pulling them out. Now that the ground here is frosting and the temps are dipping to freezing we have to start protecting the plants or putting them down. My basil plants were so big and doing so well and I didn't know what to do with them.While making Sawyer's baby food I had a great idea! First I … [Read more...]

Two Great Sandwiches & Chance To Win $200 #kingshawaiian

When I married my husband I married bread. It's a household staple. Not just any bread though. My husband loves good, fresh bread. Regular sandwich bread doesn't make the cut with him. He loves fresh baked, made that day bread. When I went to cook with Kings Hawaiian in the past my husband totally turned up his nose. He said I was ruining my Double Bacon Cheddar Mini Slider Burgers with them. Then … [Read more...]

Wild Berry Butter Recipe! Freezer Safe Butter!

We are big pancake and waffle people here. I just love breakfast foods. I could eat them for all three meals and my kids could too! Oddly enough I'm the only one in my family that likes syrup. Weird, right? Then I was watching The Pioneer Woman one morning and saw her pull Berry Butter out of her freezer and thought how hard could it be. I have wild blackberries growing all around our yard. We … [Read more...]

Homemade Strawberry Fruit Popsicles #tropimommas

Since having a baby I've had to slap my own hand a few times as my kids reached into the freezer this hot, hot summer. I've been trying to stay cool but many of the sweet treats aren't the best thing for my waist line. The kids & I thought it would be fun if we made some of our kind of popsicles. Grab your blender and about 3 cups of strawberries and one banana. Cut up and place in … [Read more...]

Double Bacon Cheddar Mini Slider Burgers Recipe #KingsHawaiian with $200 Grocery Gift Card Giveaway!

  Normally in the summer I leave all the burger making to my husband. He's the king of the grill and I like it that way. However, I was recently sent this cute little Sweet Bread Rolls from King's Hawaiian and knew the moment they came in that I wanted to try making some sliders. Don't they look tasty? Here's what you'll need: Hawaiian Sweet Rolls 12 pack 1 lb. Hamburg 1 cup shredded … [Read more...]

Simple Strawberry Lemonade Recipe

I get so sick of the same old stuff all the time. All we ever drink in this house is water, milk, or ice tea. Of course the kids have their morning OJ while we drink our coffee but it gets old. I wanted something sweet and something good. The other night we went out to dinner and Gavin ordered some Strawberry Lemonade and wondered just how hard it would be to make. I first headed to Pinterest … [Read more...]

Cheesy Chicken Rotini with VELVEEA® & RO*TEL®

Between the end of this pregnancy, sick kids, and hubby working late our dinners have been all over the place. I often feel I get discouraged when we're down a family member on making a bigger meal. In my mind I struggle finding it worth making a good meal if not everyone is going to eat it.In reality making a good meal doesn't always have to translate into a big deal (or a big mess). Sometimes it … [Read more...]