I can't believe the holiday season is approaching so quickly! I've started learning their are tricks to staying on top of things and believe me when I say I need all the tips and tricks to manage to pull the holidays off smoothly. 1. Clear Out Around this time I go through the kids rooms. I remove all the toys they are no longer using and pull out all the clothing they are no longer fitting … [Read more...]
Give It Away Wednesday! #Giveaway Link Up 10/5/11
Sorry! I know I'm so late in posting this! In case you missed it the Bump 2 Baby II Event kicked off Monday! Emilie and I will be bringing you some of the latest and greatest baby products! If you're not looking for baby products I'll be sneaking in a few other giveaways here and there so don't go anywhere! Here are my latest giveaways: ~ Paintbrush for iPad (or touchscreen devices) – Ends … [Read more...]
The Lion King: Diamond Ed on Blu-ray & DVD Combo Pack Review
Ever since we went to Disney a couple years ago and saw the awesome Lion King show at Animal Kingdom Gavin has wanted to see The Lion King. Since we lost our original copy in the fire and it wasn't available in stores he wasn't able to see it. Until now. Yesterday was the release of The Lion King: Diamond Edition Blu-ray + DVD Combo Pack! Finally Gavin is now able to see the movie that hasn't been … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday! Spiders!
As you know I'm starting to decorate again! I love summer and can't stand the other 3 seasons. I'm really a southern girl born in the wrong demographics. The only thing that make the other three seasons more bearable is that there is generally some holiday I can decorate for. This year I started decorating for "autumn" because I wanted to start in September and carry through Thanksgiving when I … [Read more...]
B2B: For Your Bug-a-Boo Review & $30 Gift Card Giveaway!
Sometimes when I start thinking about all the things I'm going to need for this baby my head starts spinning. I've seen all the regular mall stores carry and what I've learned from blogging is that some of my favorite items aren't available there. I've learned how much fun some of the smaller online stores like For Your Bug-a-Boo is. They carry top of the line items in many different … [Read more...]
The most excruciating pain of my life.
I was super excited to share my story on the most difficult pregnancy moment I had for the Million Moms Challenge. Here is a small excerpt from my story. I hope you have a moment to visit ABC News Million Moms Challenge and read the rest of my story. The day of I went to the hospital and checked in at the birthing center. I was told it was just a precaution in case something went wrong. The … [Read more...]
B2B: Infantino Baby Prize Pack! Five Toy Giveaway!
I am so excited about this pregnancy. I can't wait for all the fun things in store with this baby. I know my boys can't wait either. They are going to want to play with this baby right away. Of course baby won't be able to play for a little bit, but there will be ways for them to "play" with baby without actually playing. Infantino provides me with so many options and some of them are right from … [Read more...]
OxiClean Saved The Day!
Weekends are jammed packed for us these days. They aren't the relaxing summer kind but the action packed kind. Now that both kids are playing soccer we are usually jumping from field to field. Gavin loves to play it but not so much on watching it. Johnny is on a traveling competitive team and the games last almost two hours. I've learned that it's imperative to have something to occupy Gavin … [Read more...]
The Brother P-Touch Label Maker Helps Organize My Craft Room!
Last month I received the Brother P-Touch Labeler and told you all about it when I gave it the Tough Challenge Test. I was impressed with how it held up to everything I threw at it. I even video taped the challenge so you could see it at the time I was doing it. Well, this time I had a chance to really play around with the machine, make some labels, and have some fun organizing. I want to tell … [Read more...]