Give It Away Wednesday! #Giveaway Link Up 10/18/11

Bump 2 Baby II Event is going great! If you haven't entered any of the awesome baby now is the time to do so! Lots more are heading your way and (shhh!) but the biggest ones haven't even kicked off yet! Of course you'll see a few non baby items occasionally when I get a chance to do anything additional. ~ Kindle, Amazon Gift Card, & More – Ends 10.24.11 ~ Infantino Baby Toy FIVE Toy Prize … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Pumpkin Patch

This morning was Gavin's school field trip to the local pumpkin patch. I wasn't the parent volunteer chosen but all parents who could meet the kids there were welcome to join in. It started with going out into the fields and finding the perfect pumpkin. Gavin found this one and it was a keeper! It's presently chillin' on our front steps. (as a reminder school function photos will not show other … [Read more...]

My Mother, My Hero

My mom. From the moment of I was conceived my mom's life was a struggle as a mom. She was 16 and it had been her first time. She came from a bad home situation and was already living as an emancipated teen. When she learned the news of my presence she really had several options but made the one that she felt was best for me. She kept me. She was only a junior in high school but I didn't stop her … [Read more...]

B2B: Beanie Designs [Handmade Children’s Hats & Head Pieces] Review & Giveaway!

Blogging has really opened up a world of products that are available to me for baby that I really never knew about. One of those things is the amazing photographers out there for your newborns. Once this baby is born I am definitely going to be having a photo shoot for this little one and I'm so excited about it. One thing I've noticed that really makes some of the photos are the props around … [Read more...]

B2B: Tommee Tippee’s Closer To Nature Electric Breast Pump with Newborn Starter Set Giveaway!

Being pregnant again is still so surreal to me. Knowing that this will be my last pregnancy I want to make sure that I savor every minute of it. Being pregnant again also makes me reflect often back to my previous two pregnancies. It's amazing how something that was so special to me can start to fade. There is nothing about pregnancy that I want to forget so this time around I'm making sure to … [Read more...]

Pregnancy Update: FOUR Months Baby! (pics too!) Plus, The Saga Continues…

On a day by day basis I feel like this pregnancy is going so slow. I'm not trying to rush it but while I was pretty sure I was feeling some fetal movement this week has been mute. My heart rate doppler is due in today and I can't wait until it does. Of course the reason it's so slow is because I'm focused on the gender ultrasound on November 10th. I cannot wait to find out if this is a boy or a … [Read more...]

B2B: Pampers Cruisers “Play-A-Palooza” Pack Giveaway! $100 Value #PampersCruisers

Diapers. I can't believe after all these years I'm going to have to deal with diapers all over again. I've been doing some research between the brands, styles, etc and one thing I'm really excited about is all the changes Pampers have been making. I have to be honest, I've never used Pampers but I have been hearing my friends rave about the Swaddlers and how they are so nicely fitted to their … [Read more...]

B2B: Corner Stork Baby Gifts & More Giveaway!

Gavin was born in the summertime so when it came to finding a costume for him it wasn't the easiest thing. While many of the costumes were absolutely adorable they were impractical as they weren't comfortable for him at all. Finding an outfit that was close to his everyday wear was a great idea but nearly impossible to find. Now at Corner Stork Baby Gifts & More has a bunch of adorable … [Read more...]

Prenatal Products I’ve Recently Bought!

While this pregnancy may be my third but you'd think it was my first. I'm all over the place with my questions and I get nervous over every little thing. I'm sure that's every pregnant mama by nature but with my last pregnancy being over 5 years ago I swear at times my memory plays tricks on me. My bloggy buddy Amanda over at Mommy Mandy was telling me her love for this Sonoline B Fetal heart … [Read more...]