Back 2 School on a Budget with T.J.Maxx & Marshalls

Back to school is something we dread. In August we are still on full summer vacation mode. We are still going away, spending all our free time on our boat, and well, just relaxing. The last thing we want to do is head over to the crowded mall and buy school supplies and clothing and waste out time in long lines. Did you know that even though most Moms get a head start on shopping, 25% wait until … [Read more...]

Tiny Prints Holiday Christmas Cards Rock!

  Last year I nailed our Christmas Cards. I really put a lot of effort into the photos and made sure that the photos and the card I chose went together. Sometimes having just the perfect photo doesn't make the perfect card. Find the card that perfectly suits that photos is key to bringing the whole look you are going all together. This year I want to do something sweet and simple. I want to get … [Read more...]

Pregnancy: Having a Water Birth

Being pregnant there is just something that draws me to watching the 'Baby Show' on TLC. I know it's a horrible thing to do because it gets me all worked up and petrified about the fact that this baby has to come OUT of me at some point. Yes, I know I've already done it twice, and I've had both a vaginal birth and a c-section but the show definitely freaks me out. Of course once they have the … [Read more...]

Chef’sChoice WaffleCone Express & Gourmet Mix Review

 I love waffle cones. It's not just a summer thing either. Waffle cones just take my favorite dessert to the next level. There are so many ways to dress them up and make them but even simply plain nothing beats a waffle cone. When I had the opportunity to see all the different waffle machines that Chef'sChoice carried at the Chicago Housewares show I was impressed. I knew there were all these … [Read more...]

Give It Away Wednesday! #Giveaway Link Up 9/21/11

Can you believe we are more then half way through September? I'm dreading the fact that cold is coming but loving that all the holiday's are just around the corner! ~ Cuisinart 2-Quart Ice Cream Maker {ARV $100 – Ends 9.26.11 ~ Tee Shirt of Choice – Ends 10.3.11 ~ Paintbrush for iPad (or touchscreen devices) – Ends 10.10.11 What are you giving away? Blog Name – Giveaway – End Date … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Brotherly Love

Everyone told me that having my boys almost 6 years apart they wouldn't be close. I beg to differ, they bonded from day one! Even still they have a bond. Johnny is protective and Gavin admires. I just hope they take this new baby in the same way! ONLY Wordless/Wordful related posts should be linked here. No giveaways or other posts. It must link directly to your WW post not you main … [Read more...]

HalloweenCostumes.Org Childrens Deluxe Scooby Doo Costume Review

I can't believe that Halloween is just around the corner! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was planning our summer! Of course the kids are loving the fact that they can get dressed up and go trick or treating and see how much candy they can get their hands on this year. Normally, when it comes to costumes they both have a list a mile long of what they want to be but not this year. They … [Read more...]

BumbleWee Breastfeeding & Newborn Photo Contest [$350+ in Prizes]

Last year I shared with you a contest from BumbleWee and I'm back to tell you about it again. I love my maternity shirt from them last year and I've already worn it several times this pregnancy. I'll be bringing you another review shortly but I wanted to tell you about the awesome contest they are running. It ends tomorrow so hurry and enter now! Prize package will include: 2 Maternity … [Read more...]

Nomad Brush Giveaway! Long Tip (Original) for iPad & Touchscreen Devices

Isn't it amazing how far technology has come? I love things that are touch screen and I find myself constantly banging on things that aren't touch screen expecting everything to work like my iPad. When I first got my iPad I thought I'd use it for the basic things like email, facebook, and blogging. Instead we've discovered the world of apps and have found so many uses for the iPad we never thought … [Read more...]