Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest! Kindle, Amazon Gift Card, & More Giveaway!

If your house is like mine peanut butter is a staple ingredient in your cabinets. The problem is that we often get bored with it using it the same way over and over again. Well, Jif is running a contest to find all the different ways you eat your sandwich. If your way is the most creative and you enter it in their Jif® Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest you could win some amazing … [Read more...]

Learning To Be Energy Efficient As A #WhirlpoolMoms

About 6 weeks in came my Whirlpool Duet Front Loading Washer & Dryer. It has made my life easier. In a way I guess you could say I've become more efficient. I'm the only thing being more efficient these days though. This Whirlpool washer & dryer set is far more efficient then my old set. These are both energy and water efficient! From just a first glance you wouldn't see what these bad … [Read more...]

Pregnancy Update 14 Weeks! Dr. Vs. MidWife Update {Cough} Worst OB Visit Ever!

The Second Trimester. I can't believe I'm already 14 weeks pregnant. I feel like it was just yesterday that I found out at 5 weeks.I'm officially out of every piece of clothing that has a button at the end. I've popped. I'll get a picture by next week. In the maternity clothes I look more like five months instead of three and a half. I think it's a boy. I know, I know. I want a girl so badly, bu … [Read more...]

Give It Away Wednesday! #Giveaway Link Up 9/28/11

I'm finally getting to some of those good giveaways I've been promising you I had. Don't go anywhere because there are some awesome ones on the way! I also have an event to announce that you are definitely going to get excited about! ~ Tee Shirt of Choice – Ends 10.3.11 ~ Paintbrush for iPad (or touchscreen devices) – Ends 10.10.11 ~ Wilton Autumn & Halloween Prize Pack – Ends … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday! Carrot Cake Pumpkins!

Since the Hubby has been working late a lot lately I've been going to my Dad's with the kids once a week for dinner. Since they are covering dinner I volunteered to bring the dessert. For the life of me I couldn't think of what I was going to make and then I was looking at the products I just posted for my Wilton giveaway. So I used these:   and made these:   I threw some cream cheese … [Read more...]

Tween Academy Recap & Vera Bradley Bag, Unilever, & More Giveaway #DontFretTheSweat

Last week I co-hosted the first of four classes for the Tween Academy with host Rosalind Wiseman on TheMotherhood. Each class also has several selected bloggers to help with the chat. We're all Mom's of tweens and/or teens ourselves and we're adding to the talk. If you have a child in this age bracket I recommend heading over to the remainder of the classes. They are useful and helpful. If you … [Read more...]

Kitchenaid Pro Line Series Waffle Baker Review

Waffles. I was never big on them growing up. I was always a pancakes kinda gal. A few years ago we went away on a family vacation and they had one of those waffle makers there and the kids and husband were in heaven. When I came home I forgot all about it until I went over my Dad's one day and saw a similar looking waffle maker sitting on his counter. Of course I oohhh'd and awww'd over it and … [Read more...]

Apricot Pork Roast Slow Cooker Recipe

I am loving all these super easy super tasty slow cooker recipes I've been finding. As long as they get thumbs up with my family I'll be sharing them here. Of course I'll be teasing you talking about them and sharing pictures on facebook but don't worry, I always share! Apricot Pork Roast Slow Cooker Recipe Simple, flavorful, Sunday dinner good! 1 boneless whole pork loin roast (2 to … [Read more...]

Wilton Autumn & Halloween Giveaway!

I get so excited when Halloween rolls around. Not because of the ghoulish costumes and the piles of candy but it's the first time in awhile that I can feel festive again. When fall rolls around I'm spending more time inside again. I'm pulling out decor for the first time really since Easter and I'm excited to get back in the kitchen. One company that always has me looking for fun recipes is … [Read more...]