Monsters University Now Available on DVD & Blu-ray!

It's been a long time since I got excited about a movie. Yet, when I heard that they came out with a new Monsters Inc movie I was immediately interested as that was one of my all time favorite Disney movies. When it hit the theaters we were there! We never make it to any of the movies before they come out but my entire family was really excited about this one. In the past we've enjoyed when … [Read more...]

Melissa & Doug Makes Great Wooden Play Food!

I can't believe how big Sawyer is getting. I feel like it was just yesterday he was born. I love to see the little boy he is becoming and what his likes and interests are. What grabs his attention and what gets him using his imagination. One of his most favorite spots is his play kitchen in his room. He's been playing here since he could stand independently. The problem was he was getting … [Read more...]

“Room on the Broom” DVD & Book {Review} & SPOOK-taular #Giveaway

Is everyone ready for Halloween?! Can you believe it is only a few weeks away?  I think Halloween is one of my favorite Holidays.  Especially with kids.  All the spooky decorations, fun Halloween themed crafts and treats, and getting to dress up!  Plus hello...lots of chocolate and candy! Halloween is so much fun.  At my house we go all out at the holidays, and I always try to add fun seasonal … [Read more...]

UMI Shoes Make Our Outfits Rock! {Review & $60 Gift Card #Giveaway}

Oh how I have fun dressing my little boy. The older two won't let me touch their wardrobe so I'm enjoying every minute of it since it's my last chance. He has so many cute outfits and I love when places like Gymboree and Carter's have collections because I can invest in multiple pieces of clothing to pull together a full range of outfits. When I spend so much money on making him look great I want … [Read more...]

Brilliant Sky Toys & Books {Review}

The holiday season is right around the corner!  Can you believe it?!  I like to get a jump on my holiday shopping now because I do not love shopping  packed stores, fighting crowds, searching for toys in unorganized chaos, grumpy or stressed out store workers, trying to park and all that.  Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like people fighting each other over the “must have” toy for the year.  … [Read more...]

Babies”R”Us & Pampers Want to Celebrate Your Milestone! {$200 Babies”R”Us Gift Card & Pampers Wipes #Giveaway}

I love Babies”R”Us. It's been my go-to for everything baby. Now that Sawyer is approaching two (insert CRY here) we're still heading to Babies”R”Us for all of our needs. If you registered, you likely registered at Babies”R”Us, and received a lot of your needs for that first year. When the gifts of diapers, clothing, and toys start needing to be replenished you can bet that you can find everything … [Read more...]

aden + anais has our sleeping essentials {review & giveaway}

There isn't much I could say about aden + anais that I haven't already. I think I own so many different products of theirs and if you made me chose a favorite I'd have a really hard time narrowing it down. What I can tell you is that I've never had a product disappoint me. I actually think the longer you own them they better they become because they just get softer and softer after each … [Read more...]

Energizer Child Safety Battery Safety! {Prize Pack #Giveaway!}

We go through a lot of batteries each month. It seems like every toy the kids like requires them by the handful. The problem is that now we have a toddler in the house again and at 19 months old he's hit that stage where he's into everything. We are constantly reminding the boys that they need to be really responsible when it comes to taking them out both before and after. Luckily, … [Read more...]

My Head-to-Toe Fall Fashion Look From Kohl’s! $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

Confession. I think I've been to Kohl's twice. I'm not a big clothing shopper for anyone but Sawyer and I can do that online. Now, that I've lost 38 pounds buying clothing for myself has been really exciting. I'm walking away from pillow case like shirts and baggy pants. My body finally has a shape other than bubble and my husband has been really loving me out of pajama and sweat pants. Now, I … [Read more...]