Keeping My Cool When It Gets Hot with Dove! #MC

I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Dove. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. Read more at I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Dove. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a … [Read more...]

*NEW* Ziggle Ride-On Toy from Radio Flyer {Review}

My kids and I spend the majority of our time outside.  The weather is just to gorgeous not to!  I am always looking for new fun toys, games, and activities for my kids and our family to play outside.  I have really great memories of playing outside and pulling around my little red metal wagon from Radio Flyer.  I loved that thing.  I loved pulling it everywhere with all my stuff, and I loved … [Read more...]

Chuggington StackTrack New Adventures in Old Town Megabuild Train Track} #Giveaway

Two years old has been so much fun. Sawyer's personality has finally come shooting through and he has been able to really connect with his brothers on activities they can play together. The one that has been the biggest hit are his Chuggington train sets! He discovered the show Chuggington shortly after Christmas on TV and we got him a few pieces and he loved them. So when we had the chance to get … [Read more...]

Make the Perfect Summertime Treats with HABA {Review & #Giveaway}

I am so ready for Summer and so are my kids.  I can't wait for family trips, the warm weather, lazy days by the pool, and of course all the yummy Summer food!  I love BBQ's, and big pot lucks with friends and family all Summer long.  HABA has some great Silicone Kitchen Molds to help you out this summer.  I received a silicone popsicle tray, cupcake tray, flower cake mold, and ice cube tray. … [Read more...]

SOL REPUBLIC Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones {Review & #Giveaway}

When SOL REPUBLIC asked me to try out their Master Track over-ear headphones I was so excited, and knew that they would be put to good use.  My husband travels a lot for his job.  He is on an airplane traveling all over the country a few times a month.  He is also a huge sports fanatic.  Whenever he can he is listening to ESPN, sports talk radio, or whatever game might be on. … [Read more...]

Mom Spotted’s Favorite Spring Fashions {$75 Gymboree Gift Card #Giveaway}

It's no secret that we love Gymboree around here. Almost all of the clothing Sawyer wears is there's. I love the bright colors and quality made clothing. I love that every few weeks I can count on new lines and new sales. I love the matching collections that I can buy and make multiple outfits from. Those same outfits that I get asked often "Where'd you get that from?" Gymboree of … [Read more...]

Imagine I CAN Creative Play Kits from @ManhattanToy Company {Review & #Giveaway}

My 5 year old is the best at pretend play.  He is always in what I like to call "Hayden imagination land."  I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with what game we are playing next.  One minute we are train engineers, the next we are ninja's, and then we are scientist inventing something amazing.  His imagination is so fun, and I love watching him play. Manhattan Toy Company has a new award … [Read more...]

Mott’s NEW Fruit Flavors that Rock! {Plus, Summer Prize Pack #Giveaway} #MottsFruitRush

I love the summer. I love the warm, the sun, & the water. I love the trails, the river, & the road trips. I love it all. So once the temperatures hit above 50 I want to be outside. My kids are the same way. They love being outdoors and there really isn't an activity they don't like doing. They love to ride their bikes, their scooters, and run all around. Honestly, they wear me out. My … [Read more...]

NEW #KidsShow on @Hulu & {6-month Hulu Plus Subscription #Giveaway} #Doozers

A really great new kids show is now available on Hulu!  Doozers is the first Hulu Original for kids! The CGI animated preschool series comes from The Jim Henson Company (Dinosaur Train, Sid the Science Kid) and DHX Media (Yo Gabba Gabba, SuperWHY!). Watch Doozers on Hulu at Doozer's is inspired by the "Fraggle Rock" characters, and it features the four Doozers kids from … [Read more...]