Sally Hansen Nails the nude trend at Paris Fashion Week {Review}

I love nail polish.  I love how it can pull together an outfit and makes me feel more put together.  Playing around with new nail polish colors and trends is one of my favorite things.  Right now one of my favorite trends is nude colored nails.  I love it because my nails will always compliment and go with what I am wearing. SALLY HANSEN NAILS THE NUDE TREND AT PARIS FASHION WEEK As the … [Read more...]

Perrigo Nutritionals Products and Say Goodbye to Survival Mode Book {Review & #Giveaway}

Halli just turned one last month.  I can't believe how fast the year flew by.  Going from one kid to two kids was a harder adjustment for us than I expected it to be.  I also forgot how expensive babies are!  Diapers, wipes, clothes, baby food, it all adds up so quickly.  I like to be able to save a little bit of money where ever I can, so I was really excited when Perrigo Nurtionals asked me to … [Read more...]

P&G Best for Me with these Great Beauty Essentials! Plus, P&G Prize Pack #Giveaway #PGBestForMe

The past year I've really tried to step it up when it comes to how I present myself. Before I was completely fine with pretty much rolling out of bed and putting anything on that matched. The only beauty routine I had consisted of brushing my hair and teeth. I've found that when I take the time to look better - I feel better. Many of the brands that help me get there are from P&G. From … [Read more...]

The Ultimate Loaded Peanut Butter Cookies

 I was provided with candy by HERSHEY’S as well as a stipend from The Global Influence Network as part of my participation in this campaign. All thoughts and ideas are my own, including the Ultimate Loaded Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe. I have so much fun celebrating Easter every year. While I know the meaning of Easter isn't coloring eggs and sitting on laps of rabbits I do enjoy that side of the … [Read more...]

#PowerToKids with Philips Sonicare for Kids Toothbrush {Review}

I have really independent kiddos.  Hayden is five and especially insists on doing daily tasks on his own.  There are some things I know he is more than capable of handling on his own.  He can get dressed by himself, make his bed, and pick up his room without any help.  Brushing his teeth was a task we were at a crossroads.  He was so certain he could brush his teeth on his own but I was a little … [Read more...]

Mega Bloks Skylanders SWAP Force™ Wash Buckler & Magna Charge! {Review & Giveaway}

Is it just me or are Skylanders the biggest thing these days? My 7 year old is just absolutely taken by them. It's not just the video game either it's all of it. The clothing, the posters, the characters, everything. So, when we found out that Mega Bloks was making Skylanders we knew we had to give them a try. We received both the Mega Bloks Skylanders Magna Charge Buildable Figure and the Mega … [Read more...]

Spring Cleaning for your Beauty Cabinets {Review}

I am a bit of a beauty product hoarder.  I love trying new hair products, polishes, make up, and lotions.  My poor husband has to share a bathroom with me and all my stuff.  I was able to add to my obsession and try out some great products for Spring. NEW! Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmers in Apricot and Grapefruit Look as vibrant as you feel with the rich, luminescent color and pearlized shine of … [Read more...]

Bébé au Lait Muslin Collection – Swaddle Set {Review}

I have loved Bébé au Lait products ever since I was first able to review one of their nursing covers.  You can find that review HERE.  We also have a Bébé au Lait towel for Halli and it is by far our favorite towel at bath time.  When Bébé au Lait came out with a new muslin collection I was so excited.  Halli loves blankets.  She never liked a pacifier and has always preferred a blanket to help … [Read more...]

The Little Rascals Save the Day available on Blu-ray, DVD, & Digital HD April 1st

Hayden is starting to enjoy more movies than just animated ones.  He especially likes movies that are about little kids that are around his age.  He also of course loves anything that is funny.  The Little Rascals Save the Day was the perfect movie for him.  He laughed nonstop during this movie and has been quoting his favorite parts since we first watched it.  I remember watching The Little … [Read more...]