This Turkey Handprint Headband Hat Craft was perfect to get us ready for Thanksgiving. This fall has flown by. I can't believe Thanksgiving is already upon us. I wish we could say we've been out enjoying all things fall but we've started this holiday season off being sick. Sawyer has missed more school this month than we normally have from all three kids all year long. I knew Sawyer … [Read more...]
Turkey Handprint Headband Hat Craft for Thanksgiving
Filed Under: Craft Project, DIY, Family & Life, Fun Crafts With Mom, Handprint Art, Holiday, Holiday, Kids, Paper, Parenting & Kids, Preschool, Sawyer, Slider, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Tutorial Tagged With: Handprint, Oriental Trading, turkey
Turkey Handprint Thanksgiving Craft Card {Fun Crafts with Mom}

Somehow I realize I've never done a since craft for Thanksgiving. My kids always seem to do a lot of crafts at school around the holiday so I've always skipped them. One I've always wanted to try is this turkey handprint. I've seen it around socially and always thought it was super cute! Check out how to make our fun Turkey Handprint Thanksgiving Craft Card! SUPPLIES NEEDED: tempera … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Craft Project, Fun Crafts With Mom, Holiday, Holiday, Kids, Preschool, Slider, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Toddler Tagged With: Handprint Craft, Thanksgiving Day, Turkey Craft