As you know we are a water loving family. We own a boat and dock it on the Connecticut River. This year we have been having so much fun enjoying the river. We've been out on it at least four times a week. I wanted to share with you some of the pictures I've taken over the last couple of weeks. I really do need to get back into scrapbooking! ONLY Wordless/Wordful related posts … [Read more...]
Wilton SpongeBob Birthday Prize Pack Giveaway!
If you told me a year ago that I'd be making a character cake from scratch instead of buying one from the grocery store I would have laughed at you. I used to think that in order to make a cake for your child and have it look half way decent meant you had to go through lots of training and practice. Really all it takes it taking a course or two from Wilton like I did. So, when Gavin asked me … [Read more...]
Garlic Guacamole Dip Recipe
A year ago if you put a bowl of guacamole in front of me I would have made a face at you and pushed it away. Then my best friend convinced me I needed to try her recipe. At first I tried telling her that avocado's are gross and I cannot stand sour cream. She said not to focus on that. Um, it's the main two ingredients how do I not? I was wrong. It's so good. If you follow me on facebook you knew … [Read more...]
Jif To Go Travel Pack Giveaway! [Garmin GPS & $50Gift Card Included!] TWO Winners!
We've done a lot of road trips in the past few years. It seems with everyone we get a little better. Of course the road trips that included our kids are a bit more chaotic and a bit more stressful but all the more fun. Jif knows just how much work it is planning a road trip and wanted to share some great tips: Get the whole family involved in planning getaways and have each person choose at … [Read more...]
DIY Birthday Pinata! Our Plankton Pinata for a SpongeBob Themed Party! [Tutorial]
Have I told you about my best friend? I know I have, but again I have to tell you just how awesome she is. I just told you how she got married just a couple weeks ago. She just got back from her honeymoon and here she is the day before the party all hands on deck making our DIY Birthday Pinata! She is a behavior specialist elementary teacher and had this great idea to make Gavin's pinata. I had no … [Read more...]
Betty Crocker Fun da-middles Review & Giveaway!
As you know I {heart} cupcakes. I love trying new flavors and ways to jazz them up. I don't always have the time to put my cake decorating skills to use if I have many projects going at one. So when I was asked to give them a try Betty Crocker New FUN da-Middles Cupcakes. I thought they'd be a perfect fit for Gavin's birthday party! When they came in I had received the Yellow Cupcake Mix with … [Read more...]
Aloha Friday Cuticles
If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life. I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too! Sound like fun? ___________________________________________ So, for this week’s question: Q: Do you cut or push back your cuticles? A: I usually cut them with a trimmer but I worry about infection all the time. I try pushing them back but that little ridge drives me … [Read more...]
Bagel Bites ‘Snack Simply’ Pledge Giveaway!
Sometimes lunch can be a battle around here in the summer. One kid wants one thing, the other kid wants something else, and well, I don't want either of their choices. Making all three separate meals is torture for doing dishes and it this heat the last thing I want to do is stand over the sink. Bagel Bites are always a choice we can all agree on and I can pop in the oven while we're still … [Read more...]
Cream Cheese & Cherries Brownie Cupcakes
I know I teased you all with these brownie cupcakes both on here and on facebook and you guys asked for the recipe but truthfully there is no recipe. They were CRAZY EASY. So easy I made them while I racked my brain around Gavin's SpongeBob Cake. I wasn't sure how long I should cook them for because there were no directions so I set my stove as the box directed and then set my timer for 20 … [Read more...]