It seems nowadays our school systems are losing so much. Public funding use to cover so much and through the years so many of the "extra's" are now gone. Sewing a sweatshirt or baking a pie are things I did in school that are now gone and believe it or not programs like art, music, and physical ed. are on the chopping board at many schools now too. Can you imagine how many children would miss out … [Read more...]
Give It Away Wednesday. Giveaway Linky 7.20.11
I know I don't have much going on and you can read about what I've been up to but I promise good things are to come. I'll try my best to have a giveaway every day this week to make it up to you. *PLEASE READ* Starting this week GIAW linky list will not be going up until 9am. Too many people are confusing the WW post and this one and it's a lot of work fixing it. I was trying to make it a one … [Read more...]
SpongeBob SquarePants’s Wilton Character Cake Pan for Gavin’s Birthday!
Oh the birthday cake. This was my struggle this birthday party and it was almost what got the best of me. I had everything I needed and thought I could be super mom and get 10 million things done by lunch time and thought I'd be on to making the cake already. Wrong! Se Gavin didn't just want any cake he wanted this SpongeBob SquarePants™ Cake Pan. Um, yeah. To say I was nervous was an … [Read more...]
Fresh Produce Getaway Clamdigger Capri’s Giveaway!
I know I'm a girl and I'm supposed to love shopping for clothing but in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth. Instead I dread shopping. When I was younger and skinny as can be it was fun because literally everything looked great on me. Now that I've had two children and my shape isn't what it once was I normally find myself upset and completely deflated after trying on clothes. Then … [Read more...]
Winners! Winners! Winners!
Yikes! Calling all the winners tells me I better get my butt in gear and get you some more giveaways! In the meantime here are your latest winners! ~$220 WindTunnel Max Multi-Cyclonic Congrats Nicole Carter ~Wilton 1lb. Gummy Kit Congrats The Happy Wife/Danielle ~$100 Gift Card to GILT Congrats Donna B. ~Soom Soom Stork Craft Toddler Bed Congrats Lori B All winners have been emailed and … [Read more...]
Taste of Home Holiday Magazine Subscription Only $8.99
Hurry! Enter promo Code HOLIDAY at check out and get a one year Taste of Home Holiday Magazine Subscription for just $8.99! This is only good for the next 21 hours so hurry. I purchased it so I know it is working but sometimes depending on popularity it can go up a $1 or $2 so head on over now. I love these and they retail for $25 with a subscription or around $5 a piece without, so it's a good … [Read more...]
I Know, I know and I’m Sorry!
I know I haven't been around as much the past couple of weeks and I've been slacking. I thought today I'd share with you why. July is a crazy month around here. Hubby has his vacation, the boys are home, we go away, Gavin's birthday, boating, and more! We started our month by staining the deck that goes off our bedroom. We had been putting it off for too long and finally decided it was time. Now … [Read more...]
My Moments of Joy #SFLYenJOYsummer
I know I'm pulling the 'Mom Card' but after taking days to go through photo's for this post I realized the photos that always brought a smile to my face were those of my family. And of course my kids... My boys are seriously the joy of my life. Watching them grow has been absolutely amazing. They are so smart and such unique individuals. They have many different qualities but when … [Read more...]
Are Your Kids Reading This Summer?
Are you making a point to have your kids stay up to date in their summer reading? Do you visit local libraries for a change of reading materials? … [Read more...]