I love this time of year. I just got over the opening of the spring and summer wardrobe that doesn't fit and the realization of what my winter eating habits have done to me. I've tossed all the junk food in the trash and we're outside every minute we can be. I'm back to making better choices and thinking about how things affect me. I start shopping in the produce section more and watching … [Read more...]
5 Things To Consider When You’re Purchasing A Car Seat
One of the biggest and most important purchases a parent makes is their car seat. When I was pregnant with my first born, Malone, I spent a lot of time researching car seats. I found myself a little overwhelmed by the process. I ended up making myself a gigantic car seat feature spreadsheet and spent hours researching. My nerdy list had five main sections to it that I'll share with you … [Read more...]
Organic Mealtime Solutions to Please Everyone with Horizon!
Now that Sawyer is getting bigger lunch has become more exciting. It's also become more challenging. When he was little our meals were often separate and we both did our own thing. Now I am over making things more complicated than they need to be. We have certain go to foods that are his but I try to also make things we can both eat. I was super pleased to hear that there are New Horizon … [Read more...]
Have a Trendy Toddler on a Budget!
One thing that isn't a secret to anyone is my love for shopping for cute little baby & toddler outfits. Something about those little pieces of clothing are just too hard for me to resist! Of course when they are little they let you put them in whatever you want them to wear and I take full advantage by wanting to put my boys in all those cute and trendy outfits. It's hard to sometimes … [Read more...]
Use Puracyn® Plus Duo-Care™ Wound and Skin Cleanser For Your On-The-Go First Aid
“This is a sponsored conversation. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.” Soon the snow is going to melt and then Spring and Summer sports will be in full swing! We have already signed Hayden up for a few things. Right now he goes to gymnastics, piano, and karate. He is signed up for soccer and baseball in the spring. Then we are going to Texas for the entire summer! We will be at the … [Read more...]
Get Through Cold Season with FeverAll® and be Fever Ready! + Giveaway!
“This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of FeverAll® Infants’ Strength Acetaminophen Suppositories. The opinions and text are all mine.” This winter has been one of the worst cold seasons for my poor kids. Halli especially has had it rough this winter. I know that in the long run colds are only boosting her immune system and making her body stronger, but it … [Read more...]