I always get excited about how full the calendar gets when fall arrives but then a few weeks in my excitement turns to exhaustion and I wonder how I'm going to make it through the end. Having three boys with such wide age ranges our activities and likes are often on a wide scale too. When our schedules are busy it's hard to make sure they have a warm meal every night without being forced into … [Read more...]
Favorite On The Go Snacks Sprout Organic Baby & Toddler Food
I would guess that I am like most busy moms, and I feel like I am always on the go. There always seems to be something to get done, another errand to run, something to clean, or another pick up line to wait in. Halli is my little 2 year old buddy and big helper all day. She is usually really patient with all the running around, household chores, and waiting for her brother in pick up lines … [Read more...]
Try Sprout® Organic Baby and Toddler Food!
I love having the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. It is so fun watching my kids grown and learn new things everyday. My son Hayden is in first grade and Halli is 2 years old. We miss Hayden while he is gone at school and Halli is such a busy toddler! I am so surprised everyday by the things she knows and has learned. She will randomly start singing songs I didn't realize … [Read more...]
Schick Disposable Razors Are Perfect For Teens & College Bound Boys!
Life gets so busy and it's easy to get lost in time and not realize the years going by so fast sometimes. I sometimes step back and can't believe that my oldest is in high school and before I know it he'll be a responsible young man off to do amazing things. Until then it's my job to make sure he knows how to take on each day one at a time. We make sure he knows important things but also the … [Read more...]
SayAhh! Sore Throat Home Exam Aid Is The Best Tool For My Medicine Cabinet
Most kids right now are either in school already or on their way back-to-school in the next few weeks. It is such an exciting time of year. Summer has just ended and I think everyone is ready to get back into a normal routine. The air is starting to feel a little cooler but that cooler air also brings back the cold season. I think back to school and cold season go pretty much hand-in-hand every … [Read more...]
Going Back To School With Wet Ones® Singles and Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers
Hayden starts school in just a few weeks! He will be in first grade this year and he is so excited. He absolutely loves going to school and learning. This summer has been so great but he is excited to get back. I will really miss him while he is gone though! It is not hard not having him as my little buddy and helper all day. One thing I like to still do is make his lunches. He takes a home lunch … [Read more...]