My sweet little Halli has grown up so fast. As much as I wish I could slow down time so she could stay my baby it is also really fun watching her grow up. She is the coolest little person. She is smart, a sweet friend, and really funny. She loves to color, and paint. She could work on different art projects all day if I let her. She is super girlie and her favorite colors are pink, gold, and … [Read more...]
5 Things To Consider When You’re Purchasing A Car Seat
One of the biggest and most important purchases a parent makes is their car seat. When I was pregnant with my first born, Malone, I spent a lot of time researching car seats. I found myself a little overwhelmed by the process. I ended up making myself a gigantic car seat feature spreadsheet and spent hours researching. My nerdy list had five main sections to it that I'll share with you … [Read more...]
@Britax Parkway SGL (Belt-Positioning Booster Seat) Review
Britax. We all know the name. Its one the most trusted names when it comes to providing safety in car seats. It was a no brainer to me when Gavin was approaching 40 pounds on where to look for his booster. So when I was asked to do another review with Britax I thought the Parkway SGL would be perfect! I saw it when I was at the ABC Expo and I was able to try installing it in the car when I was … [Read more...]