Family Dollar. Where do I begin. I'm not a fan of posting unfavorable reviews. Really I'm not. I prefer to not post about them or just avoid them but this one was unavoidable so here is my experience with Family Dollar. Hopefully this will help the company clean up the ones in my area as from searching online it seems other areas have some great stores. This store in the photo isn't the first one … [Read more...]
Mario Kart Wii K’nex – A Must Under The Tree This Christmas!
Our home has been a home to K'nex for years. We discovered them a long time ago when Johnny was about Gavin's age. We've gone through many of the different series through the years and they've always entertained and challenged him all at the same time. See K'nex isn't your typical block building. K'nex building is fun, creative, and different. Their pieces are all different shapes and sizes and … [Read more...]
Hallmark Christmas Countdown $50 Giveaway!
Christmas is so healing for me. There is something about this time of year that makes me like a 4 year old child all over again. The lights on the houses, the exchanging of gifts, and the ornaments on the tree. Of course the holiday season kick starts with my stalking the local Hallmark Store. I collect the singing plush every year and while my mom buys it for me as one of my gifts I still can't … [Read more...]
J.J. Cole Nursery Storage ONE DAY Giveaway! $75+ Value!
I've been trying for this baby for years. Years. In that time I have been collecting some of my favorite products from some of my favorite companies. However, there were some products that I really wanted to be gender colored and had to wait and pray I could review or buy once I knew what I was having. Of course JJ Cole Collection had a collection of products that were on both their lists. I … [Read more...]
SpongeBob’s Surf & Skate Roadtrip for Nintendo DS
Gavin loves three things right now. Two of those things are SpongeBob and The Nintendo DS. So it's no surprise when you combine the two he is completely happy. With Christmas just around the corner you know that he has made his list and of course this is on it. We recently made a trip to Walmart and he found this game on their test DS. Of course it was the perfect distraction while I had Johnny … [Read more...]
Kre-o Transformers Construction Blocks Make Great Gift Options!
Gavin and Johnny have never really shared common interests when it came to toys. Until recently. Gavin discovered building blocks. This was something that Johnny has loved for years. They have spent hours upon hours playing together over something so simple and yet so fun. I was super excited when I was recently told about the new building blocks hitting the scene these days. They are called … [Read more...]
$550 KitchenAid NEW 7-Quart Bowl-Lift Residential Stand Mixer [Review & Giveaway]
Kitchenaid. Do I really need to say more? Okay for the sake of this post I do but in general, no. We all know the Kitchenaid brand. We trust the brand. It's a brand that our moms used, and in many cases even our grandmothers used. You can walk into almost any home and see a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer sitting on the counter. If they don't, they want one. I know even when I was still living at home as … [Read more...]
Quality Kid Winter Coats! Four Brands Compared Side By Side!
For the entire lifespan of my kids lives I've been buying their coats from the same place year after year. Even when grandparents have insisted on buying their coats I have made sure that they came from that same store. After a couple years I didn't even really put thought into it. The cold came off I went to get their coats. When I started blogging it was great because this company was one I … [Read more...]
SpongeBob’s Kitchen Mission Cookbook
It's no secret that we're SpongeBob fans in this house. Anything that concerns him gets Gavin's attention. As you know I love cooking and being in the kitchen and while Johnny will glad ly ask to help and often down Gavin has shown no interest and when I encourage it he acts as though I'm giving him a chore. When he saw the cover of the SpongeBob's Kitchen Mission Cookbook all that … [Read more...]