Aden + Anais Natural, Gentle Muslin Dream Blanket! Review & Giveaway!

  There are a select few companies that I've worked with from the start of my review days that I instantly thought of the moment I found out I was pregnant. One of thos ecompanies was aden + anais®. See I've been teased by these products for years but many I haven't been able to truly experience. So, you'd think one of the first items I'd pick would be the swaddles or the sleeping bags so baby … [Read more...]

THE HELP on Blu-ray and DVD! Great Stocking Stuffer!

My favorite movies are the ones that makes you get emotional. The Help was definitely one of those movies. One minute I was cheering, the next crying, and then throughout the movie that process was on repeat. Miss Skeeter is on a mission to share the story of the hired help in her community. She can't stand to sit back and watch the way the white folk think they can treat the hired help and starts … [Read more...] $50 Gift Card Giveaway!

My kids are hard to buy for. I'll admit that. So are pretty much everyone else on my list. The problem is that even though we know the people close enough to buy them the perfect individual gift we get caught up in the cookie cutter gifts that almost every other store in the local mall carries. You want to knock the socks off the person you're buying for but at the same time want them to know how … [Read more...]

Spy Kids 4 on Blu-ray and DVD!

Have you watched Spy Kids yet? I have, all 4 of them in fact! At first I was a bit hesitant as it wasn't my usual type of movie. I like a lot of the kids movies but kids watched but this one just didn't sound interesting to me. Then one day one of the first ones was on TV and there was nothing else on so we watched it and I loved it. From then on we watched them all. They are fun and fast moving … [Read more...]

Help Huggies and Walmart Assist Military Familes In Need!

I'm a Huggies girl. Always have been, always will be. With both my boys Huggies were my diaper of choice and with Gavin they were the only diapers he ever wore. I tried all the other generic and brand names when Johnny was little and Huggies were the only brand that left his bottom dry and protected without leaking! I didn't think twice about making them the only choice for Gavin and for this … [Read more...]

Twister Mania on Kinect for Xbox 360

My boys aren't huge gamers but when they do pull out the remotes it seems like they can get lost in the games for hours at a time. In the middle of winter when it's too cold to go outside this often seems like the answer to some fun. At least now that Xbox has added the Kinect you can start moving and get those muscles going while you're having fun and not even realize the work out you're … [Read more...]

Little Tikes Big Adventures Construction Peak Rail & Road [Review & Giveaway]

We have had a lot of toys in our home over the course of the years. Some toys are more fun then others and some toys are more durable then others. When toys can be both fun and durable in a house full of all boys it's the toy that we like the most. Those types of toys almost define the Little Tikes brand. Their toys are fun, durable, and affordable! If you haven't checked out their awesome list of … [Read more...]

Kirby Mass Attack for Nintendo DS

Gavin is our gamer in the house. In the past year we've had to start limiting his time on the DS and Wii because he would never get off otherwise. He really likes the Kirby games that are out there right now and when he saw Kirby Mass Attack for Nintendo DS he immediately let us know that he wanted to tell Santa all about it. One day, an evildoer with a magic cane appears and splits Kirby into … [Read more...]

Disney’s CARS 2 on Blu-ray 3D & Blu-ray Hi-Def Combo Pack – Must Have Christmas Pick!

I know I'm a bit behind on this DVD but the week this came out I was experiencing 2 feet of snow and a wees worth of no electricity. It was crazy- especially since this was the last week of October and the first week of November! We did however have access to a generator which allowed us a few luxeries back. While we didn't have cable while all the lines were down with the use of the generator we … [Read more...]