Official MLB Umbrella Strollers Available from Kolcraft {Review & Giveaway}

I'm a Kolcraft mom. We've already discussed that. Now we're a Kolcraft home. I'm not the only one sporting one of their strollers. Hubby made it official that he is a Kolcraft Dad when he found out that they recently released a line of Official MLB products. They have a line of strollers, step stools, and potty seats. The moment is arrived it was ripped out of the box and set up. I say that … [Read more...]

Prince Lionheart Wheely Bug Ride On Toy {Review & Giveaway}

Sawyer turned one and basically hit fast forward. We went from cuddling to chasing and it's not going to slow down anytime soon so we might as well make the chasing a little more fun, right? With my first two boys I wasn't aware of all the options out there and there really weren't that many options when I became a mom 12 years ago. With Sawyer I've really liked being able to step away from a lot … [Read more...]

We’re Rear Facing Longer with the Advocate 70-G3 from Britax {Review}

When my first two babies approached their first birthday's that also meant it was time in the past for us to lose the infant carrier because we were now able to turn our babies around so they could forward face in their car seats. I've always looked forward to it. However, in the last few years there have been new studies out there to show that extended rear facing is actually safer. When it comes … [Read more...]

Spring Holiday Recipes with Libby’s Fruits & Vegetables {Pottery Barn Giveaway!}

Can you believe it's almost Easter. I'll likely be up the night before still looking for a recipe to bring hoping I have all the ingredients on hand. I often like to try new recipes but I'm always one waiting til the last minute. Libby's Fruits & Vegetables are going to help me make it super easy this year with their new Digital Recipe Box! The Digital Recipe Box will house more than … [Read more...]

LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap System #spon {Review & Video}

I feel like I am always buying soap. My kids always feel the need to push the soap all the way down and it always lets out too much soap. They never seem to make it to washing with all that soap either. Half ends up all next to the soap dispenser and the half they really need does the job just fine. I've tried all the tricks trying to cut down the mess and I think I've finally found it. I was … [Read more...]

I See Me! Snuggle Bunny Personalized Book

When I had my boys I always said that I would make sure they had names that were of common spelling and often able to be found on personalized items. My niece has her named spelled differently then her common spelling and she use to be so upset never finding her name on anything. Then I had Sawyer and that rule was clearly broken. While it's not the most uncommon name it's definitely not one you … [Read more...]

NUK Orthodontic Bottles Giveaway! {20 Winners!!!}

I remember the first time I walked into Babies R Us thirteen years ago. It was one of the most overwhelming trips to a store I've ever made. While many of the items caught my eye and others seemed really interesting I really could tell what I need from what I wanted and what was a good deal and when I was being robbed blind. In the end when it came time to do my registry I left Daddy at home … [Read more...]

Aunt Jemima’s Frozen Breakfast Lil’ Griddles. Great Start the Easy Way! #AJLilGriddlesCG

Mornings are rough. I'm often stumbling through it trying to get the boys off to school while chasing after Sawyer all while recovering from my late night working online. On the weekends I like to go all out with big breakfasts but on these days I just want to know they eat breakfast knowing how it is the most important meal of the day! Thanks to Aunt Jemima's Frozen Breakfast Lil' Griddles I … [Read more...]

Celebrate National Pi Day With Edwards Desserts New Pies Review & Giveaway

I have a thing for sweets - frozen sweets are one of my favorites!  Frozen pie is one of my all time favorites!  In honor of National Pi Day March, 14 Edwards frozen desserts has come out with not one, not two, but three new pie flavors! National Pi Day, normally celebrated for the mathematical symbol π -  but for Edwards® desserts it’s all about “PI.E,” which happens to be the mirror reflection … [Read more...]