Halo SleepSack Early Walker {Review & Giveaway}

I'm trying not to think how quickly my daughter is growing before my eyes!   She's going to be a year old in July!  Can you believe it?  Yeah, me either!!  Just as soon as she'll be a year old she'll be walking - seriously?!  Walking?  My little lady is ready for bedtime with her traditional sleepsack, but what's a girl to do when those feet start stomping around?   Thankfully HALO has your … [Read more...]

Carter’s “100,000 Ways to Celebrate Moms” Sweepstakes with a $50 Gift Card Giveaway!

I love sharing photos of Sawyer (no surprise there, right?) and one thing you'll notice is that he always has the cutest clothes on. Those clothes are almost always from Carter's. With affordable, well made quality clothing it's easy to fill your children's closets with the cutest styles out there! I love being a mom and with Mother's Day just around the corner I already know that I'll be … [Read more...]

Johnson & Johnson Nutures Your Skin {Review & #Giveaway}

You know I love clipping coupons! Last month there was a Healthy Essentials™ coupon insert with coupons on many of my favorite brands. If you didn't get the insert or you are looking for more coupons make sure to check out the Healthy Essentials website. There you can download coupons for great deals on your favorite products from NEUTROGENA®, LUBRIDERM®, AVEENO® and more! AVEENO® PROTECT + … [Read more...]

Summer Infant Resting Up Napper {Review & Giveaway}

I thought I was so ready and prepared before having my second baby.  Since my son is almost 4 and a half I knew I would be a little rusty with the baby stuff.  But, this wasn't my first baby, I totally knew what I was doing and it was all going to be so much easier.  Uhh... ya, WRONG!  wrong, wrong, I couldn't have been more wrong.  My daughter is already so much different than my son.  They have … [Read more...]

SUBWAY has Healthy #KidsMeals Options! {$40 Gift Card Giveaway}

We are a family that is often on the go. My oldest has a sports schedule that leaves us running all over this side of the state. Through in the schedule of two other kids and you end up spending a lot of time in the car. When it comes to meals on the go there are options, but sadly many of them don't provide healthy options. Options that are healthy and not fried in grease. Thanks to Subway … [Read more...]

Share, Love, Celebrate the Best of P&G with $50 Bundle {Review & Giveaway} #Spon

I love P&G products. I use them regularly in my daily life. I use them from the start of my day when I get ready to the end of the night when we clean up. I always make sure to buy extra coupons when I know the P&G Insert goes into the weekly paper. They hae great money saving coupons on all my favorite brands and products. Some of the brands and products you'll see often in the inserts … [Read more...]

Clorox Smart Tube Technology {Review & Giveaway} #sprayeverydrop

We've all been there. We're in the middle of a cleaning streak and we're cleaning everything in sight. We finally get on a roll and then it happens. We thought we had enough cleaner to get the job done but it turns out we can't get it out. We try to angle the bottle to get that last bit out and even contemplate ways to get the most use out of it. In the end we get frustrated and end up dumping it … [Read more...]

Sara Lee Recipe Contest Ends Soon! Get those entries in! {$50 VISA Gift Card Giveaway}

Confession: I've never tried pound cake. Isn't that crazy? I've seen it at the store and I even have recipes on Pinterest that I've pinned that I've wanted to try but somehow I've never done it. So, when I was asked by Sara Lee to finally give it a try I knew I had to take them up on it. When I went to the store I found it in the freezer section which was great because I was able to get it … [Read more...]

Sawyer’s Wilton Disney Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake {Step by Step Tutorial}

The theme for Sawyer's party took me forever to decide. So long that by the time I made up my mind it didn't leave much time for the planning. I wanted to be creative on the cake and almost even did a review on a really cute one from a local baker but in the end, I really wanted to make his Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake myself. So the morning before the party I woke up in a panic. I still had no idea … [Read more...]