You never fully appreciate sleep until you don’t get it anymore. It is hard getting into a good sleep routine with a newborn or infant. Luvs diapers has helped moms have more of a restful night sleep by helping baby have a peaceful night with their new Luvs with Night Lock diapers! Luvs with NightLock offers the ultimate in overnight protection for baby AND a good night ahead for Mom … [Read more...]
New Luvs NightLock Diapers {Review and #Giveaway}
HALO Sleepsack {Review and #Giveaway}

My sweet baby is almost 5 months now. She is rolling and moving all over the place. She even makes tiny scoots now! (stop growing up!) Now that she is moving all over I was worried about her getting tangled in her blanket or not being able to get it off her face and suffocating. HALO SleepSacks were the perfect thing for us. HALO Innovation’s SleepSack® wearable blankets have become … [Read more...]
Back to School with UMI Shoes Fashionable Kids Shoes {$60 Gift Card Giveaway} #B2S

Sawyer has been my little fashion baby. I've had so much fun finding adorable clothing for him to wear and all those adorable little outfits need just as cute shoes to match! One of my most favorite brands for him to wear is UMI Shoes. They have fit his feet the best and they've also held up to all the falling, crawling, and running all around. What I love about UMI Shoes is the personality … [Read more...]
Go Back 2 School with #Gymboree! $75 Gift Card #Giveaway! #B2S

I may not be happy that summer is ending. I dread winter and the idea of it on it's way is well, down right depressing! One thing that makes it easier is knowing that first fall must come. Fall here in New England is a beautiful thing. Everything grows so colorful here and it's nice and cool outside to do outdoor activities again. You know what else makes it exciting? New collections available … [Read more...]
Get Ready for Back 2 School with The Children’s Place! #B2S $50 Gift Card #Giveaway!

I love buying clothing for my boys as I always like them looking their best. It's easy to get caught up in the world of cute children's clothing but it can get expensive. I love when great clothing is not just fashionable but affordable too. The Children's Place is definitely that brand that allows you to make sure your kids always look their best and be affordable and durable at the same … [Read more...]
Tiny Love Rocker Napper Review & On the Go My Nature Pals Stroll Toy Bar {Giveaway}

My sweet Halli has reflux. Wicked reflux. Not the kind where she spits up a bunch, in fact, she rarely spits up. She has the kind where I hear it come up and she tries hard to swallow it back down. After that there is usually coughing, hiccups, back arching, crying or a combo of them. It’s awful and so sad. The reflux is MUCH better compared to when she was a tiny newborn, and we have it … [Read more...]
Blueberry Lemon Streusel Muffins Recipe

I made these Blueberry Lemon Streusel Muffins right after the last time we went blueberry picking. They were amazing. Like I ate 4 of them because I couldn't say no! They were SO good and you bet I did an extra 5 miles that day. I shared this photo on my Instagram and you guys were already asking for the recipe. I'm going to try to grab 5 more pounds of blueberries this week and plan on making … [Read more...]
Mamas & Papas Baby Snug – Review & Giveaway

My baby is 4 months now. 4 months people! I didn't realize how quickly time went by until I had kids. It is sad having babies grow up, but it is also fun and exciting. New milestones, new skills learned, and I love watching my kids grow into their personalities. Halli has a strong and determined little personality. She likes to be involved with whatever is going on and thinks she is much … [Read more...]
NEW Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme Cereal Prize Pack Giveaway!

With three boys in the house you can only imagine the amount of cereal we go through here. I can't even really blame them either as one of my still guilty pleasures is to enjoy a good bowl of cereal. I let everyone pick their own cereal flavors when we go shopping and a new favorite in our house is the NEW Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme cereal from General Mills! With an irresistible taste the whole … [Read more...]