Knowhen Advanced Saliva Ovulation Test Kit – A Better Way To Understand Your Fertility

This year I have had quite a few emotional ups and downs with 2 pregnancy losses. Pregnancy loss has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. It is so hard dreaming about a baby but then feeling like your body has betrayed you. I had my second miscarriage in April and then I had a really scary ectopic pregnancy in August. My ectopic pregnancy ruptured and my left fallopian … [Read more...]

“Kate & Mim-Mim: A Christmas Wish,” And “Roald Dahl’s BFG” DVD’s Make Great Stocking Stuffers

I always have an eye out for stocking stuffers for my kids. They both love movies and DVD's are a great size to fit into their stockings. My kid's favorite DVD's are always the ones with stories about friendship and are exciting. Two great DVD's that are perfect for their stockings this year are "Kate & Mim-Mim: A Christmas Wish," and "Roald Dahl's The BFG." My 3-year-old Halli absolutely … [Read more...]

The K’NEX Wild Whiplash Roller Coaster is a Huge Hit This Season

I'm so tired of my boys sitting around with screens in their faces all the time. They're all frustrated with me since I put an 'hour a day' rule out there. I want them downstairs communicating and spending time together when they aren't working on school things. Finding things they could do together was the hardest part. When this K'NEX Wild Whiplash Roller Coaster showed up on our front step they … [Read more...]

GeoSmart™ Magnetic Construction Kits- The Perfect Gift For Little Engineers {PLUS Giveaway}

My kids are both love toys that they can build with. My 2nd grader Hayden especially loves creating and building things. He is very creative but also thinks everything out. He is super smart and loves science. If you were to ask him what he wants to be when he grows up he would say a wizard, but if that doesn't work out then an engineer. He loves learning all about science and how things work. … [Read more...]

Snack Healthy With Musselman’s Squeezables Sours #SqueezablesSours

This summer, I was determined to give my kids some new healthy habits. We were screen free from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and outside most of the day. I poked around in my garden while the kids enjoyed their bikes, inflatable water slide and our trampoline. While my kids were out having a classic 1980’s summer, I started brainstorming new … [Read more...]

Relax and Read “Hotel Bruce” from Disney Publishing {Plus, Giveaway}

Thanks to Disney for sending me the book, and for providing a prize pack! My kids fell in love with an adorable and also grumpy bear named Bruce last year. In the first book, "Mother Bruce" from Disney Publishing written and illustrated by Ryan T. Higgins, Bruce reluctantly becomes the adopted mother to 4 geese. My kids have loved reading "Mother Bruce" all year long. It often is read … [Read more...]

Chicco NextFit ZipAir Convertible Car Seat Keeps Kids Clean and Cool {Plus, Giveaway}

I fell in love with Chicco a few years ago. Chicco is such an amazing company with reliable and high-quality car seats. Chicco is the maker of the #1-rated infant and convertible car seats. Halli and I both love her Chicco NextFit zip car seat. I was so impressed with how easily it installed and the zip feature has been such an important feature. I didn't think that Chicco could make a car seat … [Read more...]

The Leotard Boutique Has Leotards For All Of Your Little Girl’s Activities

My little 3 and half-year-old Halli has had some big milestones this year. She started preschool and also started dance classes this fall. It has been so fun watching her be a little more independent and do more big girl things. She absolutely loves her dance class once a week. She asks almost every day if it is a dance day. Her dance class is a combo dance class of ballet, tap, and gymnastics. … [Read more...]

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition NOW on Blu-ray, DVD, & Digital HD {Plus, Giveaway}

I have a really detailed memory of being a little girl and going to see Disney's Beauty and the Beast. My mom, aunts, and a bunch of my girl cousins went to see it together. I remember getting lunch and being so excited to finally see the movie. I was immediately in love with Belle. I loved that she loved books because I love them too. That was 25 years ago when Disney's Beauty and the Beast hit … [Read more...]