The DreamWave Bubble Pod Speaker Is Perfect For All Your Outdoor Adventures {& Giveaway}

My family loves to be outdoors during the Fall. Once it isn't so hot outside we hike, take long bike rides, venture to state parks, and camp often. We also love listening to music while we are out adventuring. My husband or I use to blast our phones as loud as we could so we could all try to hear the music, audio book, or our favorite podcasts while we are outdoors. There wasn't a better way to … [Read more...]

I See Me Personalized Storybook Bundle For Your Little Princess, Astronaut, or Pirate {& Giveaway}

Halli started her first year of preschool this year and absolutely loves it. In just a few months it has been so fun to see how much she has learned. Right now her preschool teacher is really trying to teach the kids how to recognize, spell, and write their names. Halli has been pretty good at recognizing her name but we have really been working on spelling it independently. She usually adds an … [Read more...]

Brinware Has Cute and Eco-Friendly Tableware For Kids

The past couple weeks our meals and mealtimes have had an overhaul. I typically cook pretty healthy meals with a cookie or cupcake sprinkled in there. Recently I have been adding more variety, way more veggies, and new things for my kids to try. I think it is good to expose them to new things including food. At meal times I have also been trying hard to teach them good manners. My 3-year-old Halli … [Read more...]

Celebrating World Play-Doh Day & Play-Doh’s 60th Birthday On September 16th! {& Giveaway}

September 16th is World Play-Doh Day and it is a holiday my kids have really been looking forward to. Play-Doh is a childhood staple. Kids of all ages love creating, sculpting, and building with Play-Doh. It is such an amazing toy and really the options of playing with it are endless! Whatever your imagination can come up with you can create with Play-Doh. We celebrated World Play-Doh Day last … [Read more...]

Disney’s The Jungle Book On Digital HD, Blu-ray, & DVD August 30th

I have absolutely loved all of the new live action versions of my favorite Disney movies. There is a special nostalgia that comes with watching a newer and different version of my favorite childhood characters. It has also been really awesome to share these new live action movies with my kids. I bought tickets to see Disney's The Jungle Book as soon as I could. I knew it would become a family … [Read more...]

Have Clean Filtered Water For Mom & Baby With ZeroWater {& Giveaway}

All parents want the very best for their kids. As a mom, I especially want the safest and the best of everything from the moment I know I am pregnant. Drinking lots of water is so important for a pregnant mom and baby. I can always tell a huge difference when I am pregnant if I haven't been drinking enough water. Water straight from the tap is fine, but filtered water is even better. Not only does … [Read more...]

Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 NOW Available On Blu-Ray & DVD

This past year my house has been full of constant Star Wars talk. My 7-year-old Hayden is the biggest Star Wars fan. Hayden has watched all of the Star Wars movies dozens of times, reads all the Star Wars books he can get his hands on, has quite the collection of Star Wars things, and he is constantly looking to learn more about all things Star Wars. He was so excited when I surprised him with … [Read more...]

Be Ready For College Football Season With Collegiate Tumblers & Plates {& Giveaway}

In just a few weeks one of my favorite seasons starts, college football season. The start of college football means fall is well on its way. I love watching college football with my family. My husband is especially invested and is a huge fan of Brigham Young University. He studies everything related to BYU, the players; he remembers facts and all sorts of stuff about the team. He is a die hard BYU … [Read more...]

Shape Mags Stick’N Stack Tiles Encourage Creativity and Imagination! {& Giveaway!}

I love finding toys for my kids that promote creativity, and imagination. Both of my kids have huge personalities and love to play pretend. My 7-year-old son Hayden loves to build and construct things. He is very smart and has really organized deep thoughts. My 3-year-old daughter Halli loves to have everything be magical and pretend. She loves to play house, princesses, and always has imaginary … [Read more...]