The Classic Espresso Bookshelf from Guidecraft

When it came time to prepare Sawyer's nursery I really wanted to invest in furniture that could last longer then the nursery. I wanted pieces that could either stick with him as he grew older or fit else where in my home. I've been familiar with the Guidecraft name for a few years now and have loved the pieces we've collected. I knew the Classic Espresso Collection would be a good fit in his room … [Read more...]

Joovy Orangie Room Playard Review

In just a little more then two weeks the boys are out of school. I really don't like the idea of them spending their days inside glued to their tv's and computer screens. I want them outdoors getting fresh air playing ball and having fun. Having a baby definitely throws a wrench into the plans as I can't run around with them as easily and I can't get in my garden and get dirty like I used to. I … [Read more...]

Tiny Love 3-in-1 Rocker Napper Review & Giveaway

I forgot just how much a baby can take over your home. I have three kids now and my house is consumed by the smallest, youngest one by far. His stuff is all big and bulky and takes over every room in our house. So anytime we can find something that can act as several products in one we know what a blessing it is. Introducing the 3-in-1 Rocker Napper by Tiny Love.   This innovative Tiny … [Read more...]

Hallmark Recordable Artwork & Storybook Giveaway!

When you think about Hallmark you normally think cards or ornaments but they are so much more then that. Over the years we've actually made several of their Recordable Storybooks and the kids love listening back over them. When Sawyer was born was born me and the boys made him the 'Love You Forever' book and it was so cute.Gavin also has one for when I travel away from him. It's our way of reading … [Read more...]

Britax FRONTIER 85 SICT Combination Harness-2-Booster Seat {Review}

Britax. The name stands on it's own. Their car seats are top of the line and if you've ever owned one you know just how great they are. Picking out a car seat can be over whelming even to an established parent. There are so many choices, so many brands. Even so many choices within the brands. It's easy to see how one would struggle with the process. When I first started blogging I would have told … [Read more...]

aden + anais® dream blanket™ & set of issie™ security blankets {Review & Giveaway}

Oh how I love the brand aden + anais® and I don't think I truly knew just how much until I had Sawyer. We've really been using a lot of the swaddles since he's been born. Sawyer doesn't even like to be swaddled but the swaddlers are good size, lightweight, and soft. Recently, I went to grab Gavin's dream blanket and he wasn't having it and told me to get Sawyer his own. Single 100% cotton … [Read more...]

Lille Fishies Boy Everyday Luxury Blanket by Bebe au Lait {Review & Giveaway}

I first was introduced to Bebe au Lait about three years ago and was soon in love with their products. I started off with their towels and then moved on to their nursing covers, burp clothes and so on. Not a single product has disappointed me. Right now for myself I am completely loving my Hooter Hiders Ruffle Nursing Cover in the nest pattern. Not only is it functional but it's so pretty! Then I … [Read more...]

Fisher-Price Twirlin’ Whirlin’ Entertainer {Review & Giveaway} $100 Value!

I'm loving having a baby in the house again. I love the teeny tiny stage we're in but as he begins to smile and show his personality I can't wait to play with him. Sometimes they want to play when you want to work and what do you do? The Twirlin' Whirlin' Entertainer by Fisher-Price is the perfect idea! It allows you to place baby in the center and be entertained with all the excitement that … [Read more...]

New and Improved Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers and Wipes

When Johnny was a baby we struggled finding a diaper that worked for us. We tried competitor brands but they just didn't work. We ended up with leaks, blow outs, and rashes! When Gavin was born I didn't even bother with any other brand and bought Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers right from the start and made sure everyone knew they were the only diapers I wanted on my boys. Then when I found out I … [Read more...]