Mamas & Papas Baby Snug – Review & Giveaway

My baby is 4 months now.  4 months people!  I didn't realize how quickly time went by until I had kids.  It is sad having babies grow up, but it is also fun and exciting.  New milestones, new skills learned, and I love watching my kids grow into their personalities.  Halli has a strong and determined little personality.  She likes to be involved with whatever is going on and thinks she is much … [Read more...]

NEW Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme Cereal Prize Pack Giveaway!

With three boys in the house you can only imagine the amount of cereal we go through here. I can't even really blame them either as one of my still guilty pleasures is to enjoy a good bowl of cereal. I let everyone pick their own cereal flavors when we go shopping and a new favorite in our house is the NEW Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme cereal from General Mills! With an irresistible taste the whole … [Read more...]

Sports Illustrated Kids Big Book of Who: Football (Review)

My husband loves sports, and it has been fun watching him teach Hayden how to hit a baseball and throw a football.  He is passing down that "love of the game."  I know he will do the same for our 3 month old daughter too.  My husband follows so many sports related twitter accounts, blogs, and ESPN.  He knows and can remember a ton of sports trivia, stats and facts.  I tease him that if I told him … [Read more...]

{Mally Beauty} The Perfect Bright Lip Kit

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I really love makeup.  I love trying new brands, colors and  techniques to apply it.  I love everything from mascara to nail polish.  So when I was able to try Mally cosmetics I was so excited.  It's embarrassing how many times I've watched Mally on QVC, she is always gorgeous and has such great tips.  I love that her make up is for real people!  Not just celebrities … [Read more...]

Stay Cool this Summer with Refresh by Turning Leaf {Review & Giveaway} #WineOverIce

I'm not a big drinker. However, in the summer I find that on the weekends it's actually nice to put my feet up at the end of a long, hard, hot week and enjoy a nice chilled glass of wine. There's something about taking a moment when the kids are in bed (or better yet a sitter!) and you have a small fire going in the backyard. Just sitting back and putting your feet up and either regrouping with … [Read more...]

Bébé au Lait Chateau Silver Nursing Cover with Lille Hooded Towel {Review & Giveaway}

My sweet little Halli is 4 months old now... See look.... I know right?! Could she be any cuter?!  *sigh.... oh my heart... ANYWAY! I am also ridiculously proud that we have been successfully breastfeeding!   This may not be super exciting to some people, but for me especially this is a HUGE accomplishment.  With my son breastfeeding was rough.  I did not enjoy it at all, he ate all the … [Read more...]

amika Obliphica Color PHerfection Shampoo

Confession:  I am a hair product hoarder.  My poor husband gets only about 1/4th of the shower shelf.  Or bathroom space in general.  (Poor guy...this also applies to our closet)  I had heard of amika hair products before and had only heard great things.  My sister is actually in love with their hair straightener. I'm pretty particular about my shampoo and conditioner.  I color my hair and most … [Read more...]

Dinosaur Train’s “Dinosaurs A-Z” (Review & Giveaway)

I've talked about how much we love learning at my house.  Hayden loves to learn.  He also loves dinosaurs and trains.  So who ever had the brilliant idea to create Dinosaur Train is #1 in my book.  I love that Dinosaur Train is educational, and Hayden loves that it combines two of his favorite things.  I also really appreciate that on Dinosaur Train they are constantly encouraging kids to get into … [Read more...]

Bright Starts™ Playful Pals™ Portable Swing Review

While getting ready to have my second baby I kept hearing the same funny comments from other moms about this being my second baby.  "Oh that second baby is rough/demanding/etc."  Then when we found out we were having a girl the comments continued, "Oh little girls are so fun, but emotional and dramatic..."  I didn't mind any of the comments.  I already felt prepared, this wasn't my first baby and … [Read more...]