I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! Had a Makeover!

I have really been trying to step up my game when it comes to eating and preparing healthier foods. When I cook it has to be food that I can get my kids to eat. Lunch and snack time is really where I have been focusing on so far this year. We get into a lunch/snack time rut, and end up eating the same things over and over again. It is so boring and probably are not always the healthiest … [Read more...]

hhgregg Has Products That Love You Back This Valentine’s Day & {$50 Gift Card Giveaway!!!}

This post is sponsored by hhgregg. All opinions are 100% my own. I absolutely love Valentine's Day. It is high up there on my list of favorite holidays. I love all the cute Valentine's Day decor options. I love all the yummy chocolate and Valentine's Day treats. I just love telling my friends and family how much I love and appreciate them. I hope that they know that I love them anyway. I hope … [Read more...]

Disney Doc McStuffins: Cuddle Me Lambie NOW out on DVD & Cuddle Me Lambie DVD Giveaway!

My little Halli is so busy, but I guess she isn't so little anymore. She is going to turn 2 in a couple of months, and she is into everything and is absolutely everywhere. She just can't sit still and nothing really grasps her attention. Usually her and I will play together all day long, or big brother Hayden is so sweet with her to keep her busy. Hayden started school this year so I … [Read more...]

Disney’s 101 Dalmatians arrives on Blu-ray & DVD February 10th!

Both of my kids love dogs! We currently don't and have never owned a dog, but Hayden asks for one a few times a week! Halli points out the neighbors dog every single time she sees it. She "woofs" back to it, and makes sure we have all seen the dog outside. Hayden and Halli love to play what Hayden calls "puppies," and Halli calls "woofs." Usually Hayden is the puppy and Halli takes care of him. … [Read more...]

Get Some Beauty Rest and Moisturize Your Skin With Osmotics and Orico London {Review}

Winter is in full swing! I am not used to an actual winter with freezing temps, snow, and cold dry air. I also thought the rest of winter would slow down after we got through the holidays, but I swear we things are even more busy! The kids have extra activities, my husband and I both decided to go back to school, plus all the regular laundry, making dinner, and cleaning of day to day stuff. With … [Read more...]

SOL REPUBLIC Wireless Tracks AIR Headphones {Review & Giveaway!!!}

I have been killing it this new year with a few of my goals for the new year.  One of them is of course about making healthier choices. For example drinking more water, cutting out sugar, and exercising daily. I think most people make similar goals for the new year. It is so hard to stick to though! Especially the getting to the gym and exercising one. My husband is gone most of the day, I have … [Read more...]

Snuza Hero – The Portable Movement Baby Monitor Review & GIVEAWAY!

I love thinking back to when I was a first time mom. I love remembering how I felt and how nervous but also excited I was to be a mom. After we had first brought Hayden home from the hospital I remember laying in bed next to him just listening to him breathe. I was instantly head over heels in love with that tiny little boy. If I thought I heard him make a weird gurgle, squeak, or even worse NO … [Read more...]

The Boxtrolls on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital HD NOW!

My 6 year old Hayden has a huge imagination. HUGE! It is hard to keep up with him sometimes because he is always imagining or pretending something. We went to our State Fair over the Summer and saw a booth that was promoting a movie that was going to come out, "The Boxtrolls." There were even some Boxtrolls that were actually there! Hayden was so fascinated in the whole thing. He has been asking … [Read more...]

MasterChef Junior Season 3 Premiers and Warm Winter Kit Giveaway!

I absolutely love to cook and bake so naturally I love any type of cooking show. Throw some friendly competition in there and I'm in heaven. One of my favorites is MasterChef Junior! Did y'all catch the MasterChef Junior Season 3 premier on Tuesday? MasterChef Junior gives the best junior home cooks in America the chance to showcase their culinary abilities and passion for food through a series … [Read more...]