Chuggington Wooden Railway Train Sets Are Here! Review and Giveaway!

As you already know we are big Chuggington fans in this house. We love the bright colorful trains with their happy faces! We first became friends with Chuggington from watching him in the mornings on TV. Then he came to us in books. Recently we were able to tune in anytime with the all new DVD! Now Chuggington has a great new announcement! We were super excited to be able to test out the brand … [Read more...]

Create a Healthier Home for your Family with Filtrete!

My husband he's allergic to everything! If that wasn't bad enough he also has allergies. In about a month his eyes will start getting swollen and the countless sneezes will begin. He gets so miserable with his allergies that he makes the rest of us miserable along with him. Years later I've learned that I can make all of our lives easier by just doing a few simple things around our home to cut … [Read more...]

Precision GoFit Digital Body Fat Scale from EatSmart! Review and Giveaway!

As you know I attended the 2011 International Home + Housewares Show in Chicago. It was at this show that EatSmart announced the release of their newest scale in their bathroom scales. The Precision GoFit Digital Body Fat Scale is slim in design and measure everything from body fat to bone mass. If you aren't familiar with the brand you must check out their website. They have amazing scales for … [Read more...]

Winners! Winners! Winners!

Sorry for the delay. I slowed down a bit on the giveaways in my planning for an upcoming event. I wanted to wait until I had more then one to announce. Chuggington DVD Congrats Sue E Corn Warmerz Microwavable Heating Pad Set Congrats Tina "The Book Lady" Bagel Thins from Thomas' FIVE WINNERS Congrats Veronica Garrett Congrats  Lori Thomas Congrats Jennifer T. Congrats ohkeeka Congrats … [Read more...]

Giveaway Linky List 3.16.11

Stay tuned! Very shortly I will be announcing a fun event I have planned! Until then here are some giveaways I have going! ~Agent18 ClearShield for your Apple iPod Touch - Ends 3.20.11 ~$100 ATG Stores Gift Card - Ends 3.27.11 ~Wrist Jockey for your Apple iPod Nano - Ends 3.27.11 ~Lovable Labels Camp Pack $45 Value - Ends 4.10.11 ~Prince Lionheart Seat Saver - Ends 4.10.11 Mister … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Hoover Insiders

Last week I flew to Chicago to meet with Hoover, Dirt Devil, and the Talk to Current PR Team.The night before the Housewares Show they took us all out to dinner and we all had a great time! Mister Linky's Magical Widgets -- Easy-Linky widget will appear right here! This preview will disappear when the widget is displayed on your site. For best results, use HTML mode to edit this section … [Read more...]

Prince Lionheart Two Stage Seatsaver! Review & Giveaway!

I've reviewed several Prince Lionheart over the years. They have innovative products from the kitchen to outside that make your life easier and simpler without breaking your bank. This time around I thought I would take it out of the house entirely and go for where we spend a lot of our time sadly. The car. Or in my case a Jeep. I love my Jeep more then I can tell you. We got a great deal on it a … [Read more...]

Ultimate Stovetop Griddle from Frigidaire’s Accessories Review!

When our house burned down a couple years ago I was devastated. Then came the rebuilding. Which meant a new kitchen. Which meant new appliances! I had always wanted a gas range and this was finally my chance. We had gas piped into the house and went looking. I ended up with a Professional Series Frigidaire Dual-Fuel Stove. Meaning it has gas burners on the top and an electric convection oven … [Read more...]

Lovable Labels Ultimate Camp Pack! Review and Giveaway! Discount Code!

Lovable Labels was one of the first companies I worked with when I was J. Leigh Designz. I've been using  them ever since. When I first got them I had them made with just our last name on them. This allowed everyone in the family to use the same labels. We've placed them everywhere from musical instruments, under laptops, and more! That was back in 2009 and since then the company has grown and so … [Read more...]