Getting ready for a Hurricane!

Who would have thought in one summer Western Massachusetts would be getting to understand what all of mother nature's extreme weather felt like. We started June off with tornado's that wiped out communities around here. We're still recovering from it. Earlier this week we all felt the devastating earthquake up and down the east coast. Now, we're bunkering down for the worst hurricane expected to … [Read more...]

Coffee-mate Natural Bliss Giveaway!

I love coffee! Saying that might even be an understatement. It's kinda funny considering that only a couple of years ago I began drinking coffee. However, the moment I tried it I was sold. Once I figured out what brand of coffee I liked it came down to the milk/creamer. I realized that Coffee-mate creamers were really the only creamer I liked. I tried other brands but they just didn't taste right. … [Read more...]

Give It Away Wednesday! #Giveaway Linky 8.24.11

Hope you are having a fabulous week. I know I'm not around but wanted to make sure you guys were all set! If the linky doesn't pop up as I prepped can someone please email me? Thanks! ~ Land O' Lakes Breakfast Prize Pack – Ends 8.28.11 ~ $60 Coupon for FREE Olympic Paint – Ends 8.28.11 ~ COMPLETE School Outfit from French Toast – Ends 9.5.11 What are you giving away? Blog Name – … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Blueberries!

Last week I took the boys blueberry picking. We had planned on each filling a milk jug but there was a huge bee problem at the field. We were instructed to be very careful because the bees were INSIDE the blueberries and people were getting stung. They weren't kidding. We still ended up with quite a bit though!   ONLY Wordless/Wordful related posts should be linked here. No giveaways or … [Read more...]

Scotch Restickable Shapes & Stripes [New for Back To School]

Once the school year starts it seems so does the clutter. We're all into our own projects and we're all getting a lot down. The kids are no exception to this. Many times they come home from school with bagfuls of papers and projects they are so proud of. The problem is we run out of places to put it all. We try to put all the best ones up on the fridge but after a huge scratch appeared down the … [Read more...]

What life lessons do kids learn from team sports? $500 Gift Certificate Giveaway! #CelebBaseballs

. … [Read more...]

Fashion Sense on the Upper East Side! Gossip Girl Rocked It In Season 4!

One thing that you can't miss by watching Gossip Girl is that its all about the fashion. From day one there was a clear line about what was acceptable and what wasn't. There was a Queen on the block and well you made sure to be perfect at all times.  Now they might not be in high school anymore but Blair and Serena haven't forgotten what it means to be presentable at all times. They aren't just … [Read more...]

I’m POWER-less!

We woke up this morning to my husband yelling. Half our house didn't have power. We couldn't figure it out. By 7am we had no power in our entire home. We called our electric company and there were no other complaints of loss of power. We waited until around 9 am and I sent Johnny to knock on a few neighbors homes to see if it was just us. And it was. So here we are with no power. No power for us … [Read more...]

Nikita Season One on DVD

Did you start watching the new series Nikita last season? It was so good! I absolutely loved the whole Nikita/Alex story line and how they infiltrated Division. What I didn't expect was how much dra,a and action packed episodes we would have in just one season.Not only did we see how Nikita and Alex first met but we also saw their complete background and Alex's true roots. We know all about … [Read more...]