Scotch Restickable Shapes & Stripes [New for Back To School]

Once the school year starts it seems so does the clutter. We’re all into our own projects and we’re all getting a lot down. The kids are no exception to this. Many times they come home from school with bagfuls of papers and projects they are so proud of. The problem is we run out of places to put it all. We try to put all the best ones up on the fridge but after a huge scratch appeared down the front of our professional series stainless steel door we quickly put a stop to that. This left us with even less options. Until now.


I was recently introduced to Scotch Restickable Shapes & Stripes and these really are the perfect solution to this problem. This lets you put your paperwork pretty much anywhere without causing damage to any of your surrounding surfaces. Personally, the shapes were designed for kids in mind because of their look. They are bright and made in primary colors.

The boys each took a package and went straight for their rooms. I told them they could each pick a wall to use them on and put what they wanted up. Gavin picked the shapes and Johnny picked a couple of each. The remainder of the strips will be used for the fridge to prevent future scratches. As you’ll see in the video Gavin really liked using these in his room and even moved some over to his windows and they didn’t even leave smudges!

To see all the products available from Scotch and where you can purchase the Scotch Restickable Shapes & Stripes you can check out their website.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Scotch and received Scotch Restickable products to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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