Do you watch Gossip Girl? I do! In fact I've watched every episode since episode one. I've watched the craziness that goes down on the upper east side and well isn't it funny how our little boy from Brooklyn always finds himself in the center of it all? Dan found himself in the center ring when he started dating Serena way back when. They may not be a couple anymore but (follow me here) he's now … [Read more...]
[The Digital Card] The Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine Application on iTunes
As you know I've been sharing all the fun things you can do on The Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine Application available in iTunes. My favorite though has to be The Digital Card feature. It was super simple to use and you could customize it to whichever purpose you need. You can choose the header to fit the image you decide on. Then I like how you can then type in any phrase at the … [Read more...]
Give It Away Wednesday! #Giveaway Linky 8.17.11
Hope all of you are having a fabulous summers end! ~ Umi Kids Shoes (Choice) – Ends 8.21.11 ~ Land O' Lakes Breakfast Prize Pack – Ends 8.28.11 ~ $60 Coupon for FREE Olympic Paint – Ends 8.28.11 ~ COMPLETE School Outfit from French Toast – Ends 9.5.11 What are you giving away? Blog Name – Giveaway – End Date Example: MS – Chuggington DVD – Ends 3.6.11 Mister Linky's Magical … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday – Ho Hum Hummingbird
At my Dad's he has two Hummingbird feeders that get the most Humming birds I've ever seen. There has to be at least 30 or more Humming birds swarming the two feeders. The coolest part is that if you stand just two feet away and stay still they don't care that you are there. The humming sound is super intense since their wings go so fast. Here are some photos I took standing with them. ONLY … [Read more...]
French Toast Official School Uniform Wear! Cute & Fashionable! 2 Piece Outfit Giveaway!
School Uniforms seems to be growing more and more popular these days. Not only are they becoming a standard but when when I recently walked into a leading children's store I was surprised to see how this year a lot of outfits are even being styled around school uniforms. French Toast doesn't just sell school uniform pieces but official pieces that school approve of. If you have to put in a code … [Read more...]
[Frame Creator] Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine Application from iTunes
Isn't this cute? The Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine Application is super easy to use and as you saw last week you can do so many different things. This week I wanted to share with you their feature of the Frame Creator. They have multiple different choices and you can do so many things. The boys had fun matching up their goofy photos with the funny frames. When I decided to give it a try I … [Read more...]
Olympic ONE Paint! $60 Coupon Giveaway!
If your place is anything like mine you have a few rooms in your home that you wouldn't mind changing up a little. In my case I still have rooms in my house that have never been painted. See when we lost our home to the fire and rebuilt my hubby was so focused on moving back in that he said "we'll paint once we're in" because he didn't want to wait any longer once the permit to move in was … [Read more...]
Pregnancy: Getting Tested
Being TTC (trying to conceive) for so many years the photo above actually explains more then just this pregnancy as I was testing on a regular basis. Many times I couldn't move on to a new cycle until I tested. However, when one of my tests actually gave me a BFP (big fat positive) I almost fell on the floor. I immediately thought "Well, this test HAS to be defective" and grabbed another test. I … [Read more...]
LAND O LAKES® Cinnamon Sugar Butter Spread Review & Breakfast Prize Pack Giveaway!
Land O' Lakes is a brand I've been buying for my family as long as I have well, been buying for my family. When I was younger it was a brand my own mom trusted and used regularly in the kitchen. Recently they came out with something new. Not just new but genius! It's called Cinnamon Sugar Butter Spread! In thought this idea sounded amazing. Cinnamon & Sugar in a butter spread! … [Read more...]