Love by Little Giraffe on Zulily {Review & #Giveaway}

Halli is such a blanket girl.  She never liked a pacifier, even though I tried every pacifier ever made!  But, she loooves her blankets! And, the softer they are, the better.  Zulily is exclusively launching a new brand from Little Giraffe.  I had heard of the Little Giraffe brand before.  Little Giraffe is known for creating the softest, most luxurious blankets for babies and adults.  Halli … [Read more...]

Lavender and Gray Elizabeth Baby Bedding 9pc Crib Set by Sweet Jojo Designs {Beyond Bedding} 10 Bed Set #Giveaway

Baby bedding is possibly one of my favorite things to shop for.  I needed to get Halli some bedding for her other nursery at grandma's house.  I wanted her bedding to be girly, soft, comfortable, and high quality.   Beyond Bedding has the perfect selection of bedding I was looking for.  They have a large selection of crib, toddler, kid, and teen bedding.  I looked around their website forever just … [Read more...]

What’s on your Super Bowl Menu? {#LibbysBigGame #Giveaway}

Is everyone getting ready for Super Bowl Sunday?!  Much to my husband's dismay I am not a sports fan.  I do however love the Super Bowl.  To be totally honest, I mostly love the Super Bowl for all the yummy Super Bowl food and the commercials.  It is also fun for me to remember the year my husband and I went to the actual Super Bowl!  We had been married only a month and my brother in law got us … [Read more...]

Keeki Pure & Simple Earth- Friendly Nail Polishes- Spicy Gift Pack {Review & #Giveaway}

In the past two or three years I have been really aware of the chemicals that come into my home.  I try and buy organic food when I can.  I have kicked all processed garbage to the curb.  I make most of my cleaning products or I only use ones with natural ingredients.  When it comes to make up and other body products I don’t know why it never dawned on me that they would be full of harmful … [Read more...]

Here Come the Octonauts DVD {Review & #Giveaway}

I really filter what TV shows and movies we play at our house.  I would like Hayden's "screen time" to be educational and Hayden wants it to be entertaining.  Octonauts is the best of both worlds.  Hayden really enjoys animals and learning everything there is to know about them.  He also likes to pretend to be a super spy, or super hero to save the day.  Octonauts is the perfect show for him.  I … [Read more...]

Cleaning Tips for the New Year with @RealMrClean #LiquidMuscle

This New Year cleaning resolution tips post is brought to you by Mr. Clean as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post. There is something so refreshing about the New Year.  I love the feeling of new beginnings.  I have plenty of goals this year that I would like to accomplish for myself and also my family.   One of my goals involves my cleaning routine.  A clean house is good for the … [Read more...]

Wonderful Halo Oranges Review and Pure Goodness Giveaway!

One of the snacks I always keep in my house is mandarin oranges.  They are perfect for tiny hands, a great on the go snack, and a sweet treat.  Especially at Christmas time I love having oranges around.  I always put an orange in my kids stocking, I love decorating with them, and they smell so yummy! Wonderful Halos mandarins are a sweet, seedless and easy to peel snack! From the people who … [Read more...]

Ricola Cough Drops & $30 Visa Gift Card #Giveaway! #swissherb

How is everyone feeling these days?  It seems like the cold air always brings lots of runny noses and coughs with it.  I know we have for sure had our fair share.   I am extra careful what I give my family to help soothe our colds.  Especially when I am still breastfeeding I want as little medications in my system as I can.  That is why I love Ricola.  They are the leading manufacture of soothing … [Read more...]

The PEAK® Back-Up Camera System – 3.5 {Review}

I have a really great neighborhood.  We have amazing neighbors, it is quiet, safe, and a great place to raise kids.  There are LOTS of kids in our neighborhood, especially on our street.  Kids are often out playing and I am always checking behind me from every angle before I back out of my drive way.  My car does not come equipped with a back up camera.  It is down right terrifying backing up when … [Read more...]