Head Back-to-School with OshKosh B’gosh This Year! #OshKoshFirstDay

I participated in this program on behalf of OshKosh B’gosh and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. The countdown has begun. There are less than two weeks until the house gets a little quieter. We're all still trying to figure out where summer went. Right now we're spending time getting our supplies organized and making sure our clothes still fit. When it comes to Gavin buying new clothing is … [Read more...]

Celebrating Zoo’s and Zookeeper’s with 2 Great Books! {Review & #Giveaway}

One of my kids most favorite places to go is the zoo!  All kids love the zoo, right?  There are so many fun, silly, and interesting animals all in one place.  In all honesty, I love the zoo as much as my kids do.  I never tire of watching the giraffes or the monkeys swing around.  The zoo is such a fun place to visit!  When I was a kid I always thought I would be a zoo keeper... I think most kids … [Read more...]

Sun Protection for the Whole Family with Babyganics Babysafe Sunscreen {Review}

Keeping my kids safe and healthy is my number 1 priority.  Both of my kids love to be outside playing, running, swimming, riding bikes, drawing with chalk, playing in the dirt....we spend a LOT of time outside.  I want to make sure that I am protecting their skin from the sun.  Sunburn and sun damage is something I don't want to mess around with.  There are so many options when it comes to … [Read more...]

The Cozey7 TrailHopper a Wearable Performance Blanket For On-The-Go Babies {Review & #Giveaway}

Halli is 16 months now and that girl is sooo busy.  She runs around everywhere and climbs everything.  She could also live outside.  Her little heaven is playing outside and preferably being....naked.  Especially after daddy gets home from work we play and play outside until it is time for bed.  But it is almost September, and her days of running around in a diaper are quickly ending.  Where we … [Read more...]

Muppets Most Wanted now available on Blu-ray Combo Pack and Digital HD

My family has a favorite activity that we like to call a PPP, which stands for a "Pizza Picnic Party."  Hayden loves to have a PPP.  He gets so excited when I tell him it's a PPP weekend.  We choose a movie, lay out a blanket, and have a picnic with pizza.  I was so excited for the sequel "Muppets Most Wanted" to come out on Blu-ray and DVD because I knew it would be the perfect movie for one of … [Read more...]

Red Zone Electric Football from Tudor Games {Review & #Giveaway}

Football is a pretty big deal in my family.  I grew up watching my little brother play football, and he tried to teach me how to follow along with the game, and throw a football.  My husband was a sport star back in high school, he loves ESPN, and he loves everything about football.  When we found out we were pregnant with Hayden my brother and hubby immediately started planning out his football … [Read more...]

NEW Nonni’s Biscotti Bites {Review & #Giveaway}

There are days where things are just crazy!  I have a huge sweet tooth and at the end of a busy day I like to just relax with a treat.   Nonni's biscotti bites are the perfect little treat for my sweet tooth and come in 3 different flavors: Almond Dark Chocolate, Double Chocolate Salted Caramel, and Very Berry Almond Biscotti Bites.  Nonni’s Biscotti Bites are less than 40 calories per cookie! … [Read more...]

Personalize your iPad with the Collage Squares Folio-Style Case from Shutterfly!

I'm a huge Shutterfly fan. I make a monthly purchase and I've been pretty good about getting my photos printed since Sawyer was born. I'm always checking out what they have to offer for family gifts and products for myself. I love what they can do with my photos and the quality is always amazing! My iPad case was getting old and worn and I wanted to replace it. I saw they made these awesome … [Read more...]

Just Like Dad Outside Toys for Toddlers from Little Tikes! {Plus, BIG #Giveaway!}

Sawyer is getting so big. He is wanting so much to be like his big brothers and Daddy. Often when he plays he mimics the behaviors of one them in the way that he plays. This summer several of the toys we received to review from Little Tikes were huge hits in our house. Summer is my favorite season and I love to be outside. Sawyer shares that love and from the moment he wakes up he wants to be out … [Read more...]