B2B: For Your Bug-a-Boo Review & $30 Gift Card Giveaway!

Sometimes when I start thinking about all the things I'm going to need for this baby my head starts spinning. I've seen all the regular mall stores carry and what I've learned from blogging is that some of my favorite items aren't available there. I've learned how much fun some of the smaller online stores like For Your Bug-a-Boo is. They carry top of the line items in many different … [Read more...]

B2B: Infantino Baby Prize Pack! Five Toy Giveaway!

I am so excited about this pregnancy. I can't wait for all the fun things in store with this baby. I know my boys can't wait either. They are going to want to play with this baby right away. Of course baby won't be able to play for a little bit, but there will be ways for them to "play" with baby without actually playing. Infantino provides me with so many options and some of them are right from … [Read more...]

OxiClean Saved The Day!

Weekends are jammed packed for us these days. They aren't the relaxing summer kind but the action packed kind. Now that both kids are playing soccer we are usually jumping from field to field. Gavin loves to play it but not so much on watching it. Johnny is on a traveling competitive team and the games last almost two hours. I've learned that it's imperative to have something to occupy Gavin … [Read more...]

Kitchenaid Pro Line Series Waffle Baker Review

Waffles. I was never big on them growing up. I was always a pancakes kinda gal. A few years ago we went away on a family vacation and they had one of those waffle makers there and the kids and husband were in heaven. When I came home I forgot all about it until I went over my Dad's one day and saw a similar looking waffle maker sitting on his counter. Of course I oohhh'd and awww'd over it and … [Read more...]

Wilton Autumn & Halloween Giveaway!

I get so excited when Halloween rolls around. Not because of the ghoulish costumes and the piles of candy but it's the first time in awhile that I can feel festive again. When fall rolls around I'm spending more time inside again. I'm pulling out decor for the first time really since Easter and I'm excited to get back in the kitchen. One company that always has me looking for fun recipes is … [Read more...]

Chef’sChoice WaffleCone Express & Gourmet Mix Review

 I love waffle cones. It's not just a summer thing either. Waffle cones just take my favorite dessert to the next level. There are so many ways to dress them up and make them but even simply plain nothing beats a waffle cone. When I had the opportunity to see all the different waffle machines that Chef'sChoice carried at the Chicago Housewares show I was impressed. I knew there were all these … [Read more...]

HalloweenCostumes.Org Childrens Deluxe Scooby Doo Costume Review

I can't believe that Halloween is just around the corner! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was planning our summer! Of course the kids are loving the fact that they can get dressed up and go trick or treating and see how much candy they can get their hands on this year. Normally, when it comes to costumes they both have a list a mile long of what they want to be but not this year. They … [Read more...]

Nomad Brush Giveaway! Long Tip (Original) for iPad & Touchscreen Devices

Isn't it amazing how far technology has come? I love things that are touch screen and I find myself constantly banging on things that aren't touch screen expecting everything to work like my iPad. When I first got my iPad I thought I'd use it for the basic things like email, facebook, and blogging. Instead we've discovered the world of apps and have found so many uses for the iPad we never thought … [Read more...]

Threadless Tees Review & Giveaway!

Find clothing that is both quality made and fashionably fitting to both my kids and my own needs. They have tons of different prints to chose from and their prices are incredibly reasonable. We recently did our back to school shopping and it was absolutely the most miserable experience. See, my oldest is almost 11 and has the idea in his head that he knows what is 'cool' when in fact he doesn't. I … [Read more...]