Hoover WindTunnel Air Bagless Upright {Review} Presto 2-in-1 Cordless Stick Vacuum {Giveaway}

I knew when we put hardwood floors throughout the whole house it meant a lot more floor cleaning. Not that they get dirtier faster but they just show it. There is something about the corners that just a day later can make your floors look like you haven't cleaned them in days. Having a cute little baby that's about to have his little hands all over those floors I want a vacuum I can pull out … [Read more...]

Action Shot POV Camera {Review & Giveaway}

Finding something that impresses Johnny these days is hard. He has less time for actual toys and is more into his hobbies. Finding things to make those hobbies more enjoyable is always a bonus. When I was introduced to the Action Shot Camera. Capture and share the action anywhere, with the Action Shot POV Camera! Attach to your helmet, bike, skateboard and more with the easy Click & Grip™ … [Read more...]

Contours® Options® 3-Wheeler Stroller {Review & Giveaway}

I have had such a great year learning so much about the Contours Baby team and products. Being a Contours Mom I was able to visit the brand in Chicago this year and learned so much about them. They take so much into consideration when making these productsfor our most precious little people. A third generation family that I'm definitely to proud to have represented at BlogHer12. Through the … [Read more...]

McCormick Gourmet Recipe Mixes {Review & Giveaway}

I love cooking a good dinner from scratch for my family. What I don't like is when it becomes a time consuming task and I end up needing all these ingredients like spices and herb that I don't have on hand. Being a new recipe I don't really want to make the investment for all the spices separately so now that McCormick is coming out with these little packets I'm loving it. Now- it gets even … [Read more...]

Where’s Waldo Dog Costume and Childs Ghostbuster all from BuyCostumes.com

I'm such a procrastinator lately it's horrible. One thing I've learned now is that Halloween Costumes fly off shelves. Who knew? Well, now I'm telling you. It's also a lot harder to find specific items when your kids already know what they want in advance. Gavin, for instance, likes to do his own thing. He just loved this Ghostbuster Child Costume the moment he saw it.  I ain't afraid of no … [Read more...]

Be Prepared for an Emergency! $78 Energizer Giveaway!

When it comes to being prepared I'm all for it. Especially in times of weather. One thing I've learned in my life it's that while many things can be controlled- weather is not one of them. I do believe that by doing just a few basic things in advance can really help make the hard times when the storms hit more bearable. Of course many like to point out that you never really know if you are going … [Read more...]

Chuggington’s Wooden Train Set – Brewster’s Icy Escapade {Review & Giveaway}

Honk your horns theirs a new track in stores just in time for the holidays! It's the Brewster’s Icy Escapade from Chuggington and its the perfect track to get your child started or to add on to their current collection of wooden track! I love the bright colors of Chuggington and I love all the fun characters they have. Of course they make sure to bring the fun of Chuggington over in their fun … [Read more...]

Capture Holiday Memories With Shutterfly! $50 Giveaway!

Many are in shock about how early all the Christmas stuff is coming this year. We already see the commercials and here I am on the subject myself but I am so excited. I love this time of year and I love all the decorating and family time involved around the holidays. I love so much about it. The moment fall rolls around I hit the basement and pull out the decor. Once the house is all put together … [Read more...]

Juno Lucina 14K Diamond Necklace {Review & Giveaway}

Being pregnant was one of the best moments in my life, and now having my daughter here is even more amazing. My first time being pregnant and I was happy as could be. Those memories will live with me forever and are irreplaceable. Wouldn't it be nice to have something that would remind you of those moments that you will treasure for the rest of your life? Something that you could look at and just … [Read more...]