It was recently brought to my attention I was lacking an About Me page so I finally got around to getting one done. I'd love if you could pop over and look at it. I think I got carried away. Once I was done I looked around at other people's and realize not that I wrote a novel and shared 32483 too many photos. One goal of mine this summer is to get this site organized! You'll start seeing my … [Read more...]
My Greatest Accomplishment
I may not have graduated from college or ran a marathon. I went to more schools then I did grades and I have struggled in ways that many will hopefully never experience. I survived an abusive alcoholic father (who is 11 years sober!!!!). I survived a house fire that destroyed everything we owned. I survived my parents divorce. I survived their remarriages (and another divorce). Yet, all these … [Read more...]
Winners! Winners! Winners!
I know I am behind and I'm so sorry! Here are all the winners to finally catch us up! ~$25 Gift Card to Primo Jewels Congrats Lori Thomas ~$250 Kelly Moore Leather Photography Bag Congrats Eileen ~The Sharper Image iPod Dock & Speaker Set Congrats Tina ~$50 Bebe au Lait Gift Set Congrats D Schmidt ~$126 Wilton Punch. Cut. Decorate! Congrats Sandy S ~Pouchee Purse Organizer Congrats … [Read more...]
Give It Away Wednesday! Link Up Your Giveaways! 6.15.11
Phew! Summer hasn't even started and it's already flying by. If you're schedule is like mine it's already to hard to come up for air. If you have a moment make sure to enter these great contests! ~$50 Gift Card to Red Envelope – Ends 6.19.11 ~Between Me And You Journal – Ends 6.26.11 ~$230 Hoover MaxExtract 60 Pressure Pro Carpet Cleaner – Ends 6.26.11 ~Things Remembered Father's Day … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday Airports
As you know I recently came back from Chicago for my last Wilton trip. Getting home was something in itself. I arrived to the airport around 2 pm to find out my 2.5 hour direct flight was cancelled when I tried to print my ticket. I couldn't understand why it wouldn't allow me to print it. It kept telling me that I couldn't print a boarding pass more then 12 hours prior to boarding. What??? I'm … [Read more...]
Between Me & You Books Review & Giveaway! Father’s Day Gift Idea!
Have you always wondered what your Dad was like when he was younger? What are his favorite memories? Maybe he now wonders what your favorite childhood memories are! With Between Me And You Journals all your questions can be answered. Plus, you'll have them all together in a hardcover, spiral-bound book! The outside quality of these books is great! It is small enough to fit on your night stand … [Read more...]
Father’s Day Gift Idea! Supernatural: The Complete Second Season on Blu-ray!
Are you still in search of a great Father's Day gift? How about getting them the newly released Supernatural: The Complete Second Season on Blu-ray! Dad can spend the day relaxing while watching one of his favorite long time shows! Suprenatural has been on for the last seven years so I'm sure Dad has forgotten many of the key elements that brought Sam & Dean to where they are. Season Two is … [Read more...]
Weekly Recap
I was really looking forward to a relaxing summer. Like, really looking forward to it. However I feel like every free moment we have something is scheduled and for at least the next five weeks look the same way. I'm sure that empty weekend will be full by then as well. Monday I drive this street and never noticed they had mini golf by how it was angled so we stopped, played a round, and got some … [Read more...]
Dr. Scholl’s Custom Fit Orthotics Inserts
It seems the older my husband gets the more I hear how much his feet hurt. He's tried everything from more expensive work shoes to special shoes and nothing has worked. Then I saw one of those special machines at a CVS near my doctor's office and thought that they would be a great idea for him. Then I saw the price tag. They were $50. That's almost as much as his work shoes themselves and passed … [Read more...]