Weekly Recap

I was really looking forward to a relaxing summer. Like, really looking forward to it. However I feel like every free moment we have something is scheduled and for at least the next five weeks look the same way. I’m sure that empty weekend will be full by then as well.

I drive this street and never noticed they had mini golf by how it was angled so we stopped, played a round, and got some ice cream.

Had fun at a small zoo and this billy goat was so funny to us. He kept jumping up trying to get Gavin.

We have been dealing with some tree damage and had a guy come and cut some of the higher damage that was stuck in other branches. This guy was insane to watch.  Can you find him?

Gavin’s preschool party had a field trip to the firehouse and police station for some safety education.

I stayed up until 2am making almost 100 baseball cupcakes. It’s the end of the season and all the t-ball and baseball teams were coming together for a party.

After staying up so late we woke up to pouring rain and the party was cancelled. SO we ended up going to the mall for the kids clothing and eating at Chili’s for dinner!

We had the boys cousins birthday party. This cake was a homemade ice cream cake and it was SO good!

How was your week?


  1. Trish R says

    Wow – you are one busy Mama!

  2. Christine M says

    That picture makes me want a piece of cake! This past week was spent with the kids at VBS in the mornings and lazy afternoons.

  3. Wow! How do you do it all?? What a crazy week you had. I couldn’t do it all, that’s for sure. Thanks for doing all these great giveaways for us.

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