B2B: Summer Infant Care Package Review & Giveaway!

 Now that I'm half way through my pregnancy I'm starting to sort through many of the items I have collected throughout my year of trying to conceive this amazing miracle and it has astonished me at the amount of amazing products this baby will have and how many of them are Summer Infant. I've been working with the company now for several years and the products have ranged from small to large and … [Read more...]

Winners! Winners! Winners!

Time to catch up on some winners! Sorry last week's never got posted due to the 2 feet of snow we received and the week long lack of power! So here is the latest group of winners! $100 Tea Collection Gift Card Congrats Shannon Morris $75 Zutano Gift Card Congrats Amber $25 Little One Books Congrats nicole Chuggington All Around Set {$80 Value} Congrats Sassy Adorable Baby Outfit From … [Read more...]

Maintaining Your Whirlpool Duet Frontloaders! Video! #whirlpoolmoms

This isn't the first frontloader set I've owned. However, with my first set I laughed at the idea of washing a washer. I mean seriously listen to that when I say it again. Wash a washer. Months later I started understanding why they tell you this. My drum began to smell and the soap drawer was all gucky. I didn't jump right on it then when I really should have either. At first I started by doing a … [Read more...]

Shutterfly Holiday Cards Review & Giveaway! THREE Winners!

I love Shutterfly. They are my #1 pick for online photo printing. They are also the first place I go to make my Christmas Cards. In fact last year I used Shutterfly to make two different holiday cards. See, I've used other companies and they seem great online. I've actually used them all but the real difference is when you make that purchase and your order comes in and you see the quality. It's … [Read more...]

Give It Away Wednesday #Giveaway Linky 11/8/11

Sorry if you came by last week and found no linky! I got hit by 2 feet of snow and it knocked out our power for a week! I'm back now and here is what I have for you! ~ $200 DXG Luxe 1080p Slim HD Camcorder – Ends 11.14.11 ~ $160 Kolcraft Incline Bassinet – Ends 11.14.11 ~ $60 Prince Lionheart bébéPOD®flex plus – Ends 11.14.11 ~ Bright Starts Having a Ball Pop & Roll Roadster – Ends … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Snowman In October!

Have you ever made a Snowman the weekend before Halloween? We have!   We got 2 feet of snow in October and this was the SECOND snowfall we had that month! If you came by last week to link up and realized I didn't post it was because it also caused us to go a week without power! ONLY Wordless/Wordful related posts should be linked here. No giveaways or other posts. It must link directly to … [Read more...]

Totino’s Fun Family Friday Night Giveaway!

Oh how I need a Fun Friday Night. After the past two weeks I've had first being without power due to 2 feet of snow and then the past week being death bed sick. The idea of hanging out with my family with some good pizza and a good movie sounds absolutely amazing. Of course if we go our typical route of doing this we all fight over which place we want to order the pizza from and then by the time … [Read more...]

B2B: $1000 Peg Perego Pliko Switch Compact Modular System – Review & Giveaway!

Okay, so this post comes with a warning. If you are reading sit down- you're going to be here a bit. I don't normally post twenty photos for a product review but honestly there was no way around it with this amazing product. I tried to cover many of the key features that I fell in love with but I did have to leave many things out in fear of losing you through a long post. Like many of my stroller … [Read more...]

Two Feet Of Snow & A Week Without Power!

Just a quick note to let you know I'm alive and that we made it through the week with no power, cable, the internet, etc. We live in New England so we know snow. When we heard snow was coming we all did what we normally do. Go shopping for the basics, not the emergency kits. We just expected to have to shovel ourselves outcome morning like every other nor'easter. But this wasn't any other storm. … [Read more...]