Sawyer is teething. If you follow me on facebook you know all about all the fun it's been so far. Reflecting back on some of the photos I've shared and others I took it was rather comical to look back on and thought I should share here. Saturday started a little something like this: He refused any teethers or frozen wash clothes. He was downright appalled that I would hold him all day long … [Read more...]
How to Deal With A Crying Baby…

Have you dealt with a crying baby before? I'm sure you have as all babies cry but have you dealt with a baby that cries all.the.time? Until recently I would have had to say no. However, over the past couple of weeks Sawyer has gone from just sad at times... To screaming his pretty little head off. At first it was something I was able to handle. Now, it's starting to wear me down. It's … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Family & Life, Parenting, Sawyer Tagged With: baby, Colic, Crying, Crying Baby