I remember my eldest sons booster seat. It took up a ton of space its bold colorful appearance clashed with the entire look of the room and the big tray that slide over his lap kept him from being able to sit right up at the table with us. It was almost pointless moving him out of his high chair! Then I stumbled across minui HandySitt's website while looking for a booster for G, my 2 year old. I … [Read more...]
minui HandySitt : The Portable, Adjustable, Safe, and Comfortable Feeding Chair – Review and Giveaway!
Kid Safe Inc.- Home Safety products and Helpful Hints Review & Giveaway!
I recently stumbled upon this great site, Kid Safe, that offers all sorts of safety items for kids for all over your home. They cover everything from kitchen safety, fire safety, stairway safety, and more! If you are looking for ways to baby proof your home this is the store for you! They carry all major name brands like Safety 1st, Gerber, Kidco, Mommy's Helper, Evenflo, Parent Units, North … [Read more...]
Spa Time Baby – Turning Bath Time into Spa Time! Review and Giveaway!
As a mom I have struggled finding good bath products more than any other product for my child. For some reason we often end up with smelly rotten toys that have mold growing in them or wash clothes that fall apart after several uses! No need to keep searching! I found Spa Time Baby an online website that specializes in both products for both mom and baby! Personalized Cozy Cape What's a Cozy … [Read more...]
Are Your Hands and Fingers Cold While Using The Computer? You Need A WarmMe WarmMouse!
Do you work in a cold environment? Do you have health issues like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis, Raynaud’s, DeQuervain’s, Tendonitis or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? I have the solution for you! Its called the WarmMeWarmMouse ! It has: Ergonomic USB Optical Scrolling Mouse Energy Efficient - 5V Accurate 800dpi 3 - Buttons, 4 - functions Heated to 104°F (infrared): … [Read more...]
See Kai Run Shoes for Babies &Toddlers: Review
See Kai Run has a great selection of shoes from infant all the way up to size 9! They carry a wide selection for both boys and girls. They carry shoes, sandals, and boots for kids. They have great colors, patters, and prints sure to match any outfit whether it be for play or for dress up. Right now they are also offering free shipping on any order over $60. If you sign up for their newsletter you … [Read more...]
New Releases!!! MY LOVE WILL BE WITH YOU and HEART OF TEXAS: A Lone Star ABC by Laura Krauss Melmed
A Hug Goes Around I had the honor of getting a sneak peek to author and mother Laura Krauss Melmed's new books that were just released today! Not only did I get to read her fabulous new children's books but I also had the opportunity to ask her a few questions and share them with you! All of her books are available for purchase directly off her website or at major book stores like Barnes & … [Read more...]
First Aid Me4Kidz : First Aid Made Fun…because part of growing up is falling down
Family owned and operated, Me4Kidz, wants to make sure that you have an easy to use, easy to understand, and convenient first aid kits for parents and caregivers to take proper care of small injuries. They have several different kits: Medibuddy, Diaper Bag Buddy, Medibag For Pets, and the Medibag For Kids. All of their great products come jam-packed full of all the basic supplies you would need … [Read more...]
Sodastream: turn water into fresh sparkling water and soda! Review & Giveaway!!
Save your money and your time with the awesome soda makers by SodaStream. No longer will you be forced to haul bags of empty, sticky bottles back to the store for returns. Now you can make all your favorite soda flavors at home in just minutes for far less than you pay in stores. Since 1903 Sodastream has been introducing quality products and continue to grow as a company giving their consumers … [Read more...]
Dazzle Dry Quick Dry Nail System – Dries Amazingly Fast! Review!
Dazzle Dry has a great line of nail products sure to make anyone's nails look professionally done. Thanks to 'It's a Glam Thing' I had the opportunity to test out Dazzle Dry Quick Drying Retail Kit. I was quickly impressed with the fast drying applications and the impressive color selection they offered. You can purchase items from their site either individually or as a kit like the one I … [Read more...]