Happy Easter Store! Review & $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway!

I love Easter time! It's one of the last big holidays for awhile and while we just had so many there has been recovery time from the last ones. You can decorate for Spring and just add simple things to make it look Eastery. Happy Easter Store has some really cute home decor to decorate with. I love that you can even personalize a lot of the choices too! Are you looking for an Easter Basket that … [Read more...]

Aloha Friday

If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life. I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too! Sound like fun? ___________________________________________ So, for this week’s question:  Q: Are you expecting snow still? A:We have a weather advisory right now. We are expecting a FOOT or more of snow tonight. No … [Read more...]

Learn More March: Learning Through Illustration with Summer Infant! Giveaway!

If you follow Summer Infant of facebook or twitter you've already heard all about the awesome giveaways they have been running for the month of march. If you don't follow them you should. As we already know Summer Infant has great products that not only meet are needs for all things baby but exceeds them too! Well, they started a parenting blog and it's filled with tons of wonderful posts. They … [Read more...]

Kids Quiz

I was emailed this cute little quiz the other day from a friend. You ask your kids the questions. It's fun and you get to see how well they do and what they think. Here's how my kids did: 1. What is something your mom always says to you? J&G: I love you 2. What makes mom happy? J: Coffee G: Giving me hugs & kisses 3. What makes mom sad? J: when she misses family time G: when I'm … [Read more...]

The Childrens Place Has Baby Bedding!

Did you hear? The Children's Place is now carrying baby bedding! They have the cutest themes too! Introducing our new Baby Shower Shop!!!  Find baby essentials, gifts, and so much more! Baby bodysuits, baby bedding, baby bibs…we’re baby crazy! Check it out here: PLACE Baby Shower Shop! Above: The Jungle collection is my favorite out of them all. It's more boy then neutral for me but I think … [Read more...]

Bausch + Lomb Biotrue

Contacts. That word has been haunting me for the past 6 months. See, I wear glasses and well I just started wearing them a few years ago. My script isn't incredibly strong so I can see enough to get around without them. I can pass my driving vision test barely. However, just because I can get away without them I always have them on. I can't read, watch television, or drive without them. I got them … [Read more...]

Giveaway Linky List! Link Up Your Giveaways!

Now, I have a confession to make. I have this habit of throwing these sponsored events and they ALWAYS last longer then I expect and well I can already tell you not to go anywhere because this event will most likely last through May and well there are some good reasons I'm extending it. I'm talking bounce house, waterslides, playhouses, etc. Until then... ~Lovable Labels Camp Pack $45 Value - … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Boy Parts

Gavin loves using chalk. Now that the snow is finally melting he can use his chalk again. Well he drew a mural of himself. The shocker, He gave him boy parts. We had to scribble and color him in so the FedEx man didn't think I was crazy. If you look close you can see still. He was really mad we covered it. The life of boys. Fun. Only link to WW posts. Must link directly to the post or it will … [Read more...]

Velveeta’s Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli Bake Dinner Recipe

As I was telling you yesterday I am addicted to those little recipe card magazines at the checkout of  Walmart and grocery stores. I just can't help myself and buy them every time. Well, I figured it was about time I use one. Johnny picked the Velveeta cookbook. I picked the Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli Bake. You'll need the following: 1 pkg. (6 oz.) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for … [Read more...]