Breastfeeding Update – Week 2

As you know we left last week struggling and fighting a weight loss that was leaving us with a threat of having to start supplementing with formula! We had an appointment set up for yesterday so I had five days to get his weight up. We left off at 6 lbs 6 oz and he needed to regain his birth weight of 6 lbs 13 oz and I didn’t know what to do.

I started the weekend following the advice of his doctor. I pumped every two hours with my pump so that I could track how much he was taking in and how often. Problem? The more I was pumping the less I was getting. I started by getting around 5 ounces each time I pumped but by Sunday morning I was barely getting 3 ounces and that was roughly what he was wanting. If I pumped any less I was going to be in trouble and forced to use formula which I had spent so much time avoiding.

So I picked up the phone and called a lactation consultant from the birthing center. They are free and available at all hours. I told her what we were up against and she told me the first thing I needed to do was cut down on the pumping and start getting Sawyer back to nursing. That the lack of stimulation from him was causing a decrease in my supply. She told me that I needed to start working with him again and even though we were struggling with the whole latching on process that nothing was going to get better if we weren’t even trying.

I was so exhausted and felt so defeated that I started her plan immediately.

While we got back into trying I stopped being able to tell what he was getting and grew concerned that I was going to for certain cause more of a weight loss by the time Wednesday came. I really didn’t have a choice though. I felt I was going to lose the fight no matter what since by pumping I was going to lose my supply and not have enough whereas with him nursing I at least had a chance.

To try an ensure a victory I also purchased Mother’s Milk Tea and Fenugreek Vitamins. Both are used to help with milk production. In truth the tea was disgusting and I couldn’t stomach it. I tried several times but there was just no way I could drink it several times throughout the day so that is when I bought the vitamins. Many of the stores didn’t carry them like CVS, Rite-Aid, Walmart, Target so don’t bother trying to find them there. I ended up purchasing them from Vitamin World.


Well, we did it! Sawyer didn’t just gain a little- he gained a LOT! In just 5 days he gained 8 ounces and weighed in at 6 pounds 14 ounces and we reached his birth weight as needed at the 2 week marker and had an extra ounce as well!

I don’t know what did it as I tried several things and I started the Fenugreek just 24 hours beforehand but I can tell you that I went from pumping 2.5 ounces on Sunday to 4.5 ounces yesterday and got my first “stock” bag in the freezer without missing a feeding! I also still have 3.5 ounces in the fridge for daddy to feed at night.

We’re still getting there and it’s still a struggle but it is getting easier. I’m glad that through the late nights, fights, and tears that I’ve stuck with it and hope that by sharing my struggles I help someone else who is ready to give in to hold on just a little longer.


  1. I’m so proud of you! Breastfeeding is definitely hard work but once baby and mommy get the hang of it, what a wonderful bond between mommy and baby.

  2. I am so very proud of you for sticking with it even through all the struggle and family not being supportive. You are awesome! πŸ™‚

  3. So glad he regained his birth weight and you are able to continue breast feeding.

  4. Awesome, girl! I’m so proud of you for sticking to it, AND for sharing your story with others.

  5. milany says

    Awesome! Glad to hear ur still nursing. The first 2 weeks are always the hardest, it was for me w/ my 2 boys. I also wanted to suggest more milk plus capsules, it has fenugreek in them. And u can sign up for subscribe & save on

  6. So glad everything worked out the way you wanted and Sawyer is doing so well.
    He is beautiful and you are a terrific mom!

  7. You are so awesome!!! I am so proud of you, you’re going to be a pro in just a matter of weeks. πŸ™‚

  8. Dede says

    Hang in there and congrats on making it through 2 weeks!! Isn’t it crazy that something that is supposed to be “natural” can be so exhausting and hard?!
    The only way I was able to bf successfully was by taking Blessed Thistle and Marshmallow capsules, both from Nature’s Sunshine herbs. They helped to make my milk richer and more satisfying, plus helped me produce enough for my little guy. I was also able to pump plenty so that the daycare had a stockpile for him. The herbs were affordable and easy to take, and I could definitely tell a difference if I forgot to take them!! Might be an option if you can’t stand the tea.

  9. Vanessa Coker says

    YES!!!Great news πŸ™‚ There’s definitely NOTHING better than your own baby’s suckling to improve milk production. Also the output you get from pumping is not the same output that the baby is getting bc their suckling is different no matter how much a pump tries to imitate.
    My lactation consultant also helped me and her best advice was let baby nurse on demand (no schedules/ let him nurse when he wants) amd drink a ton of water πŸ™‚
    Oatmeal is also great in helping with milk production.

  10. Jenn says

    Proud of you sticking with it and trying new things until something worked! Keep going, and way to go Sawyer too!

  11. amy v says

    congrats!!! what a milestone! i think it’s great you called a lactation consultant; breastfeeding definitely isn’t easy at first and each baby is different. i’m sooo happy your little guy gained weight and you both are doing it! it

  12. Oh, my goodness – that’s FANTASTIC news! I know this has been a tough and painful situation but I’m so glad it is starting to work out for the better. You are such a good mommy for trying your best to keep it up and your little one is getting to be a little butterball πŸ™‚

  13. Natalie Shmigelsky says

    Great news! Great job mama! I breastfed/supplemented with my first two. I am hoping with my 3rd I can nurse exclusively at least for a little bit.

  14. Helena says

    congrats! I’m so glad you were able to stick with it and make it work for both of you. Well done!

  15. Abby says

    I have also used fenugreek and
    It works miracles! But you do smell like maple syrup after, but thats not always a bad thing! πŸ™‚

  16. Marysa says

    Glad you stuck it out! So many people don’t know about the fenugreek, and that you can get it cheap, in pill form! It was so effective for me, it was almost causing oversupply. I pumped for 18 months with the help of fenugreek!

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