I know in the past I've shared with you some of my thoughts on the Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control products but during a recent review of some of their products my feelings have changed. There's one product I completely wrote off that I will definitely be picking up again. Check out my video where I share the latest products and my thoughts on each one of them. What products … [Read more...]
Winners! Winners! Winners!
Hope you are enjoying the giveaways you might notice a slight dip in them for a little bit as take some time to focus on a holiday gift guide. Gotta make sure I find some great things for you to add to your wish lists! But for now here is the latest round of winners here at Mom Spotted. InGenuity Cozy Coo Sway Seat Congrats Heather S Gift Card to Florsheim Kids Shoes Congrats … [Read more...]
My Favorite Your E-Cards
I know so many people post these crazy ecards and so many people are sick of them but I think they are just hilarious. I thought I'd share some of my favorites. That's dad that caves. Not mom. You know it. You'd make me the worst mom ever. You know we've all done this more then we care to admit. every.darn.day so true I showed my hubby this one. I double dog dare you. We're … [Read more...]
Winners! Winners! Winners!
Here are the latest round of winners! Can you believe that I'm actually drawing them the day after they ended? Yeah, me neither but here I am. Trying to catch up and stay on top of everything just like I promised. So without making you wait any longer.... CHOICE of Contours Tandem Stroller, 3 Wheeler Stroller, or Bassinet Congrats Ashley Suzanne Fruit Cups Lunch Prize Pack with SkipHop Lunch … [Read more...]
Join the BlogFrog Influencer Circle #BlogFrogRocks
I've been blogging for several years now but it wasn't until last year that I decided I needed to get monetized. I had unexpectedly lost my job. The amount of my unemployment wasn't enough. I didn't know where to start so I turned to my fellow bloggers that had already monetized. There was one company they all kept hearing about was the BlogFrog.I wasn't sure about the process so I went ahead and … [Read more...]
Winners! Winners! Winners!
Here are the latest round of winners! Hope everyone is enjoying the increase of giveaways again! Thanks for all your patience this summer while I was overwhelmed and distracted but I''m finally starting to catch up! Plan on a full week of giveaways again this week! Tommee Tippee Cleaning Supplies for Baby Congrats tamar Kolcraft Baby Sit & Step 2-in-1 Activity Center Congrats Whitney at … [Read more...]
Birth Stories: {Courtney & Mikaylee} July 25, 2012
Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to share my birth story with you! Just a few weeks ago I had my precious Sweet Baby girl Mikaylee. I am so in love and couldn't imagine life without her. While I was in labor I kept thinking about holding her and finally meeting her. That is what gave me the strength to keep pushing! The whole time I was in labor I was thinking for sure I'll never do this again, … [Read more...]
#kajeet Back to School cell phones for kids!
The dreaded cell phone conversation. I knew it was coming. Afterall he is almost 12 years old. have been tossing the idea around for around a year on when and if my boys will have cell phones. See, Im not a big cell phone user myself. I don't have a smart phone and I don't have any of the bells and whistles. BUT it has definitely saved me when I'm out and definitely comes in convenient. The older … [Read more...]
Winners! Winners! Winners!
Here are the latest round of winners! JJ Cole Paisley Nursing & Feeding Pillow Congrats Ashley Suzanne Kraft Foods Backyard Party Kit Congrats Terra Heck SwimWays Spring Float Congrats Stefanie G $100+ Tiny Love Developmental Toys Congrats Kelly 6 Boxes of Mott's Fruit Snacks FOUR WINNERS Congrats Kayla @ TheEclecticElement Congrats Sarah Osborne Congrats Re Morgan Congrats Amanda … [Read more...]