Have you tried Walmart Great Value Naturals?


Ugh. It was just a little over a week now when the flu hit me and knocked me down. One minute I was up and the next I was down. Down so hard it hurt to lift my own head. Do you know what happens when a work at home mom who takes care of it all goes down?

You get a very dirty house. My hubby tried to help the best he could but it wasn’t easy.

Walmart Great Value Naturals

Around the one week mark I was finally feeling a little better. Once I could finally stand on my feet I was able to see the horror of my home. It needed some serious cleaning. Not just from the dirt that a very active family of five can give but from the germs I had just spread all over the house.

Luckily, I was the only one who caught the flu and while Gavin was momentarily sick it didn’t last long. I wanted to make sure that the germs didn’t have a chance to spread and quickly began cleaning all the surfaces I could. I had just received the new Walmart Great Value Naturals product line in the mail and I was able to clean everything in my home with just four natural cleaners.

Walmart Great Value Naturals Natural Safer

Walmart Great Value Naturals have no harmful chemicals or toxins. They are biodegradable and non-­‐allergenic and made from plant-­‐based, all-­‐natural cleaning technology. They effectively eliminate soils, grease and grime without leaving behind harmful residues.

Natural PowerClean™ is the new, all natural cleaning technology inside the Walmart Great Value Natural product line. Unlike other eco-friendly products, the powerful, bio-based Natural PowerClean™ formula delivers cleaning results equal, and often superior, to national brand cleaners and laundry detergents at a price you can afford!

Walmart Great Value Naturals Laundry Detergent

As of right now the Walmart Great Value Naturals are available at 2000 Walmart stores. The best is that they are affordable! Look at how affordable these prices are! I pay for some harsh cleaners that leave behind chemicals and strip my home surfaces.

Great Value Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent: $8.97 for 100 fl. oz.
Great Value Naturals Mutli-Surface Cleaner: $2.47 for 32 fl. oz.
Great Value Naturals Glass & Window Cleaner: $1.98 for 32 fl. oz.
Great Value Naturals Automatic Dishwasher Gel: $3.97 for 75 fl. oz.

To stay up to date on all the latest news with Walmart Great Value Naturals make sure to follow Walmart on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Vickie Couturier says

    no,,ive haven’t used this yet,but ive heard good reviews,,glad you are feeling better,ill have to give these a try

  2. Dana Rodriguez says

    No I haven’t seen these yet and I was just at Walmart last weekend.I would like to try the Liquid Laundry Detergent!!

  3. Tina T says

    I’m in the princess of eliminating toxins from my cleaning routine, especially with one soon to be crawler. It’s great to see big companies making safe and healthier changes for its consumers. I know what you mean about wanting to clean up EVERYTHING when there is a sick child in the house. I have 4 and it’s impossible to quarantine one from the rest. Great review! I will look for the products on my next trip to Walmart.

  4. Jodi Trinklein says

    I will have to check these out!

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