Healthy Recipe Options to Be Successful During Your Super Bowl Party

The NFL Playoffs are in full swing, which means the Super Bowl will be here before we know it! Whether or not you're a football fan, we all know one interest everyone has surrounded the game… the FOOD.  Football food tends to be notoriously unhealthy, but I say… WHHYYYYY? Plan ahead, and you can still enjoy yourself without killing your healthy goals! Here are some healthy recipe options to be … [Read more...]

Jumpstart Your January for a Healthier 2016

HI! I’m Jess: mommy of 2, military wife, lover of food, fitness, doggies, beach days, craft beer, New England sports, and general positivity! I’m also a Health & Fitness Coach, which less than 2 years ago is something I NEVER would have thought I’d be saying. I used to HATE working out. I can’t count how many gyms I've joined only to fizzle out embarrassingly fast. And my go-to meals since … [Read more...]