Ten Months Old {Sawyer James}

10 month Sawyer James #momspotted milestone

So much for being on time this month! Tomorrow baby boy turns 11 months but if it counts I *did* take the photos on his 10 month date I have just failed to blog them. So, in hopes that I’m not just lying to myself I’ll take some cute Vday pics tomorrow as well as his 11 month and get the post up right away. Yeah, right.

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

Getting things done right away isn’t happening anywhere lately. Ten months was a big month for him and while he was quite the roller when we came into this month we’re leaving it crawling like crazy and loving to stand.  Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

His tongue is out in almost every picture this past month. I think he’ll finally be the child that can touch his nose with it like his Mama. The things that make me proud. lol

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

This month he learned how to give kisses. Wide mouth, drool kisses that I can’t get enough of. He even will give you his cheek like his Daddy does, sigh.

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

He also gives good hugs now too. I’d say in the top three.

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

He gets pretty much whatever he wants from me.

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

Who could say no to him anyways? He’s just the most happy, precious baby.

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

Ten Months Old {Sawyer James} #momspotted

Monthly Headshots.

headshot10 Collage

Monthly laundry Baskets

basket10 Collage

Until next month…


  1. He is just precious – I love the “I love my mama this much” beautiful pictures of him! 🙂

  2. So, so cute! I can’t believe how big he’s getting.

  3. cherie says

    Well…in his head shot pictures, you can tell by his two month picture that he’s going to be a character. You can already see the devilish gleam in his eye 🙂 He just has to be one of the cutest babies I have ever seen…and I have never even met him!!!! 🙂 total baby envy LOL

  4. HA HA !!! I thought when I started reading you were expecting again !! Been there done that !! My first 2 were 15 m apart !!


  6. Mama I don’t think we’re liking the laundry basket anymore & some of those 10 month shots he’s looking a wee bit tired. I cannot wait to see what you do to this child tomorrow! LOL HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

  7. Laurel O. says

    So sweet and adorable!!! I love the pics!

  8. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

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